import ngModule from '../module'; import Section from 'salix/components/section'; export default class Controller extends Section { constructor($element, $) { super($element, $); this.showFields = { id: false, actions: false }; this.editedColumn; } get columns() { if (this._columns) return this._columns; this._columns = [ {field: 'quantity', displayName: 'quantity'}, {field: 'buyingValue', displayName: 'buyingValue'}, {field: 'freightValue', displayName: 'freightValue'}, {field: 'packing', displayName: 'packing'}, {field: 'grouping', displayName: 'grouping'}, {field: 'groupingMode', displayName: 'groupingMode'}, {field: 'comissionValue', displayName: 'comissionValue'}, {field: 'packageValue', displayName: 'packageValue'}, {field: 'price2', displayName: 'price2'}, {field: 'price3', displayName: 'price3'}, {field: 'minPrice', displayName: 'minPrice'}, {field: 'weight', displayName: 'weight'}, {field: 'size', displayName: 'size'}, {field: 'density', displayName: 'density'}, {field: 'description', displayName: 'description'} ]; return this._columns; } get checked() { const buys = this.$ || []; const checkedBuys = []; for (let buy of buys) { if (buy.checked) checkedBuys.push(buy); } return checkedBuys; } uncheck() { const lines = this.checked; for (let line of lines) { if (line.checked) line.checked = false; } } get totalChecked() { return this.checked.length; } onEditAccept() { let data = { column: this.editedColumn, buys: this.checked }; this.$'Buys/editLatestBuys', data) .then(() => { this.$.edit.hide(); this.uncheck(); this.$.model.refresh(); }); this.editedColumn = null; } } ngModule.component('vnEntryLatestBuys', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller });