const ParameterizedSQL = require('loopback-connector').ParameterizedSQL; const mergeFilters = require('vn-loopback/util/filter').mergeFilters; module.exports = Self => { Self.remoteMethod('lastItemBuys', { description: 'Returns a list of items from last buys', accepts: [ { arg: 'id', type: 'number', required: true, description: 'origin itemId', http: {source: 'path'} }, { arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: `Filter defining where, order, offset, and limit - must be a JSON-encoded string` } ], returns: { type: ['object'], root: true }, http: { path: `/:id/lastItemBuys`, verb: 'GET' } }); Self.lastItemBuys = async(id, filter, options) => { const conn = Self.dataSource.connector; const models =; const where = {isActive: true}; const myOptions = {}; if (typeof options == 'object') Object.assign(myOptions, options); filter = mergeFilters(filter, {where}); const entry = await models.Entry.findById(id, { include: [{ relation: 'travel', scope: { fields: ['warehouseInFk', 'landed'], } }] }, myOptions); const travel =; const stmts = []; let stmt; stmt = new ParameterizedSQL(`CALL buy_getUltimate(?, ?, ?)`, [ null, travel.warehouseInFk, travel.landed ]); stmts.push(stmt); stmts.push('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp.item'); stmt = new ParameterizedSQL( `CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp.item (PRIMARY KEY (id)) SELECT i.*, AS producerName, AS inkName FROM item i LEFT JOIN producer p ON = i.producerFk LEFT JOIN ink nk ON = i.inkFk JOIN tmp.buyUltimate bu ON = bu.itemFk AND bu.warehouseFk = ? `, [travel.warehouseInFk]); stmts.push(stmt); stmt = new ParameterizedSQL('SELECT * FROM tmp.item'); stmt.merge(conn.makeSuffix(filter)); const itemsIndex = stmts.push(stmt) - 1; stmts.push('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp.item'); const sql = ParameterizedSQL.join(stmts, ';'); const result = await conn.executeStmt(sql, myOptions); return result[itemsIndex]; }; };