DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn-admin`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `hedera`.`order_calcCatalogFromItem`(vSelf INT, vItem INT) BEGIN /** * Gets the availability and prices for the given item * using the order parameters. * * @param vSelf The order id * @table tmp.item(itemFk) * @return tmp.ticketCalculateItem * @return tmp.ticketComponentPrice * @return tmp.ticketComponent * @return tmp.ticketLot * @return tmp.zoneGetShipped */ DECLARE vDate DATE; DECLARE vAddress INT; DECLARE vAgencyMode INT; SELECT date_send, address_id, agency_id INTO vDate, vAddress, vAgencyMode FROM `order` WHERE id = vSelf; CALL vn.catalog_calcFromItem(vDate, vAddress, vAgencyMode, vItem); END$$ DELIMITER ;