DELIMITER $$ CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`vn-admin`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `vn`.`itemShelving_selfConsumption`( vShelvingFk VARCHAR(10) COLLATE utf8_general_ci, vItemFk INT, vQuantity INT ) BEGIN /** * Leave the indicated amount on the shelf * and create a ticket with the difference. * * @param vShelvingFk id of the shelf where the item is located. * @param vItemFk article of which the self-consumption ticket is to be created. * @param vQuantity amount that will stay on the shelf */ DECLARE vVisible INT; DECLARE vClientFk INT; DECLARE vTicketFk INT; DECLARE vWarehouseFk INT; DECLARE vCompanyFk INT; DECLARE vAgencyModeFk INT; DECLARE vItemShelvingFk INT; DECLARE vAddressFk INT; SELECT, pc.clientSelfConsumptionFk, s.warehouseFk, pc.addressSelfConsumptionFk INTO vCompanyFk, vClientFk, vWarehouseFk, vAddressFk FROM company c JOIN address a ON a.clientFk = c.clientFk JOIN warehouse w ON w.addressFk = JOIN sector s ON s.warehouseFk = JOIN parking p ON p.sectorFk = JOIN shelving s2 ON s2.parkingFk = JOIN productionConfig pc WHERE s2.code = vShelvingFk; IF vClientFk IS NULL THEN CALL util.throw('The company does not have a customer assigned'); END IF; IF vQuantity IS NULL OR vQuantity < 0 THEN CALL util.throw('The shelf cannot have NULL or negative quantities'); END IF; IF vShelvingFk IS NULL THEN CALL util.throw('The shelf is necessary'); END IF; IF vItemFk IS NULL THEN CALL util.throw('The article is required to create the ticket.'); END IF; SELECT SUM(visible), id INTO vVisible, vItemShelvingFk FROM itemShelving WHERE shelvingFk = vShelvingFk AND itemFk = vItemFk; IF vVisible IS NULL THEN CALL util.throw('The item is not on the shelf.'); END IF; CALL ticket_getWithParameters( vClientFk, vWarehouseFk, CURDATE(), vAddressFk, vCompanyFk, NULL, vTicketFk ); INSERT INTO sale (itemFk, ticketFk, quantity, concept) SELECT vItemFk, vTicketFk, (vVisible - vQuantity), longName FROM item WHERE id = vItemFk; UPDATE itemShelving SET visible = IF(id = vItemShelvingFk, vQuantity, 0) WHERE shelvingFk = vShelvingFk AND itemFk = vItemFk; CALL vn.ticket_setState(vTicketFk, 'DELIVERED'); END$$ DELIMITER ;