const UserError = require('vn-loopback/util/user-error'); module.exports = Self => { Self.remoteMethodCtx('transfer', { description: 'Transfer an issued invoice to another client', accessType: 'WRITE', accepts: [ { arg: 'id', type: 'number', required: true, description: 'Issued invoice id' }, { arg: 'newClientFk', type: 'number', required: true }, { arg: 'cplusRectificationTypeFk', type: 'number', required: true }, { arg: 'siiTypeInvoiceOutFk', type: 'number', required: true }, { arg: 'invoiceCorrectionTypeFk', type: 'number', required: true }, { arg: 'makeInvoice', type: 'boolean', required: true }, ], returns: {type: 'object', root: true}, http: {path: '/transfer', verb: 'post'} }); Self.transfer = async( ctx, id, newClientFk, cplusRectificationTypeFk, siiTypeInvoiceOutFk, invoiceCorrectionTypeFk, makeInvoice, options ) => { const models =; let tx; const myOptions = {}; if (typeof options == 'object') Object.assign(myOptions, options); if (!myOptions.transaction) { tx = await Self.beginTransaction({}); myOptions.transaction = tx; } const originalInvoice = await models.InvoiceOut.findById(id); if (!originalInvoice) throw new UserError('Original invoice not found'); if (originalInvoice.clientFk === newClientFk) throw new UserError('Select a different client'); let transferredInvoiceId; try { await Self.refundAndInvoice( ctx, id, false, cplusRectificationTypeFk, siiTypeInvoiceOutFk, invoiceCorrectionTypeFk, myOptions ); const tickets = await models.Ticket.find({where: {refFk: originalInvoice.ref}}, myOptions); const ticketIds = =>; const transferredTickets = await models.Ticket.cloneAll(ctx, ticketIds, false, false, myOptions); const client = await models.Client.findById(newClientFk, {fields: ['id', 'defaultAddressFk']}, myOptions); const address = await models.Address.findById(client.defaultAddressFk, {fields: ['id', 'nickname']}, myOptions); const transferredTicketIds = =>; await models.Ticket.updateAll( {id: {inq: transferredTicketIds}}, { clientFk: newClientFk, addressFk: client.defaultAddressFk, nickname: address.nickname }, myOptions ); if (makeInvoice) transferredInvoiceId = await models.Ticket.invoiceTickets(ctx, transferredTicketIds, null, myOptions); if (tx) await tx.commit(); } catch (e) { if (tx) await tx.rollback(); throw e; } if (transferredInvoiceId) { try { await models.InvoiceOut.makePdfList(ctx, transferredInvoiceId); } catch (e) { throw new UserError('The invoices have been created but the PDFs could not be generatedd'); } } return transferredInvoiceId; }; };