import './searchbar.js'; describe('Component vnSearchbar', () => { let controller; let $element; let $state; let $params; let $scope; const filter = {id: 1, search: 'needle'}; beforeEach(ngModule('vnCore', $stateProvider => { $stateProvider .state('foo', { abstract: true }) .state('foo.index', { url: '/foo/index' }) .state('foo.card', { abstract: true }) .state('foo.card.summary', { url: '/foo/:id/summary' }) .state('', { url: '/foo/:id/bar' }) .state('foo.card.baz', { abstract: true }) .state('foo.card.baz.index', { url: '/foo/:id/baz/index' }) .state('foo.card.baz.edit', { url: '/foo/:id/baz/:bazId/edit' }); })); beforeEach(inject(($componentController, $rootScope, _$state_) => { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $state = _$state_; $params = $state.params; $params.q = JSON.stringify(filter); $element = angular.element(`<div></div>`); controller = $componentController('vnSearchbar', {$element, $scope}); })); describe('$postLink()', () => { it(`should fetch the filter from the state if it's in the filter state`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'doSearch'); controller.autoState = false; controller.$postLink(); expect(controller.doSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(filter, 'state'); }); it(`should not fetch the filter from the state if not in the filter state`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'doSearch'); controller.autoState = false; controller.searchState = 'other.state'; controller.$postLink(); expect(controller.doSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null, 'state'); }); }); describe('filter() setter', () => { it(`should update the bar params and search`, () => { const withoutHours = new Date(2000, 1, 1); const withHours = new Date(withoutHours.getTime()); withHours.setHours(12, 30, 15, 10); controller.filter = { search: 'needle', withHours: withHours.toJSON(), withoutHours: withoutHours.toJSON(), boolean: true, negated: false, myObjectProp: {myProp: 1} }; const chips = {}; for (const param of controller.params || []) chips[param.key] = param.chip; expect(controller.searchString).toBe('needle'); expect(chips.withHours).toBe('withHours: 2000-02-01 12:30'); expect(chips.withoutHours).toBe('withoutHours: 2000-02-01'); expect(chips.boolean).toBe('boolean'); expect(chips.negated).toBe('not negated'); expect(chips.myObjectProp).toBe('myObjectProp'); }); it(`should clear the filter when null`, () => { controller.filter = null; expect(controller.filter).toBeNull(); expect(controller.searchString).toBeNull(); expect(controller.params.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('shownFilter() getter', () => { it(`should return the _filter if not null`, () => { controller.filter = filter; controller.suggestedFilter = {sugestedParam: 'suggestedValue'}; expect(controller.shownFilter).toEqual(filter); }); it(`should return the suggested filter if filter is null`, () => { controller.filter = null; controller.suggestedFilter = {sugestedParam: 'suggestedValue'}; expect(controller.shownFilter).toEqual(controller.suggestedFilter); }); }); describe('searchString() setter', () => { it(`should clear the whole filter when it's null`, () => { controller.filter = filter; controller.searchString = null; expect(controller.searchString).toBeNull(); expect(controller.params.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('onPanelSubmit()', () => { it(`should compact and define the filter`, () => { controller.$.popover = {hide: jasmine.createSpy('hide')}; jest.spyOn(controller, 'doSearch'); const filter = { id: 1, thisKeyShouldBePurged: null, alsoThis: [], andThis: {emptyProp: undefined, nullProp: null}, dontForgetThis: [null, undefined], myObject: {keepThis: true, butNotThis: null}, myArray: [null, undefined, true] }; controller.onPanelSubmit(filter); expect(controller.doSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: 1, myObject: {keepThis: true}, myArray: [true] }, 'panel'); }); }); describe('onSubmit()', () => { it(`should define the filter`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'doSearch'); controller.filter = filter; controller.searchString = 'mySearch'; controller.onSubmit(); expect(controller.doSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: 1, search: 'mySearch' }, 'bar'); }); }); describe('removeParam()', () => { it(`should remove the parameter from the filter`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'doSearch'); controller.model = { refresh: jest.fn(), applyFilter: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()), userParams: { id: 1 } }; controller.filter = filter; controller.removeParam(0); expect(controller.doSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ search: 'needle' }, 'removeBar'); }); }); describe('doSearch()', () => { it(`should do the filter`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'onSearch'); jest.spyOn(controller, 'onFilter'); controller.doSearch(filter, 'any'); $scope.$apply(); expect(controller.onSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({$params: filter}, 'any'); expect(controller.onFilter).toHaveBeenCalledWith(filter, 'any', undefined); }); }); describe('onFilter()', () => { it(`should go to the summary state when one result`, () => { jest.spyOn($state, 'go'); const data = [{id: 1}]; controller.baseState = 'foo'; controller.onFilter(filter, 'any', data); $scope.$apply(); expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo.card.summary', {id: 1}, undefined); expect(controller.filter).toEqual(null); }); it(`should keep the same card state when one result and it's already inside any card state`, () => { $state.go('', {id: 1}); $scope.$apply(); jest.spyOn($state, 'go'); const data = [{id: 1}]; controller.baseState = 'foo'; controller.onFilter(filter, 'any', data); $scope.$apply(); expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('', {id: 1}, undefined); expect(controller.filter).toEqual(null); }); it(`should keep the same card state but index when one result and it's already in card state but inside more than three-nested states`, () => { $state.go('foo.card.baz.edit', {id: 1, bazId: 1}); $scope.$apply(); jest.spyOn($state, 'go'); const data = [{id: 1}]; controller.baseState = 'foo'; controller.onFilter(filter, 'any', data); $scope.$apply(); expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo.card.baz.index', {id: 1}, undefined); expect(controller.filter).toEqual(null); }); it(`should go to the search state when multiple results and pass the filter as query param`, () => { jest.spyOn($state, 'go'); controller.autoState = false; controller.searchState = 'search.state'; controller.onFilter(filter, 'any'); $scope.$apply(); const queryParams = {q: JSON.stringify(filter)}; expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('search.state', queryParams, undefined); expect(controller.filter).toEqual(filter); }); }); });