/* eslint max-len: ["error", { "code": 150 }]*/ const md5 = require('md5'); const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context'); module.exports = Self => { require('../methods/account/login')(Self); require('../methods/account/logout')(Self); require('../methods/account/acl')(Self); require('../methods/account/change-password')(Self); require('../methods/account/set-password')(Self); require('../methods/account/recover-password')(Self); require('../methods/account/validate-token')(Self); // Validations Self.validatesFormatOf('email', { message: 'Invalid email', allowNull: true, allowBlank: true, with: /^[\w|.|-]+@[\w|-]+(\.[\w|-]+)*(,[\w|.|-]+@[\w|-]+(\.[\w|-]+)*)*$/ }); Self.validatesUniquenessOf('name', { message: `A client with that Web User name already exists` }); Self.observe('before save', async function(ctx) { if (ctx.currentInstance && ctx.currentInstance.id && ctx.data && ctx.data.password) ctx.data.password = md5(ctx.data.password); }); Self.observe('before save', async ctx => { const models = Self.app.models; const loopBackContext = LoopBackContext.getCurrentContext(); const changes = ctx.data || ctx.instance; if (ctx.isNewInstance || !changes.email) return; const userId = ctx.currentInstance.id; const user = await models.Account.findById(userId); if (user.email == changes.email) return; const httpCtx = {req: loopBackContext.active}; const httpRequest = httpCtx.req.http.req; const headers = httpRequest.headers; const origin = headers.origin; const $t = httpRequest.__; const title = $t('Verify email'); const body = `
${$t(`Click on the following link to verify this email. If you haven't requested this email, just ignore it`)}:
${title} `; result = await Self.rawSql(`CALL vn.mail_insert(?,?,?,?)`, [ changes.email, null, title, body ], ctx.options); }); Self.remoteMethod('getCurrentUserData', { description: 'Gets the current user data', accepts: [ { arg: 'ctx', type: 'Object', http: {source: 'context'} } ], returns: { type: 'Object', root: true }, http: { verb: 'GET', path: '/getCurrentUserData' } }); Self.getCurrentUserData = async function(ctx) { let userId = ctx.req.accessToken.userId; return await Self.findById(userId, { fields: ['id', 'name', 'nickname'] }); }; /** * Checks if user has a role. * * @param {Integer} userId The user id * @param {String} name The role name * @param {Object} options Options * @return {Boolean} %true if user has the role, %false otherwise */ Self.hasRole = async function(userId, name, options) { let roles = await Self.getRoles(userId, options); return roles.some(role => role == name); }; /** * Get all user roles. * * @param {Integer} userId The user id * @param {Object} options Options * @return {Object} User role list */ Self.getRoles = async(userId, options) => { let result = await Self.rawSql( `SELECT r.name FROM account.user u JOIN account.roleRole rr ON rr.role = u.role JOIN account.role r ON r.id = rr.inheritsFrom WHERE u.id = ?`, [userId], options); let roles = []; for (role of result) roles.push(role.name); return roles; }; };