import './index'; describe('Worker', () => { describe('Component vnWorkerCalendar', () => { let $componentController; let $httpParamSerializer; let $httpBackend; let $scope; let controller; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('worker', $translateProvider => { $translateProvider.translations('en', {}); })); beforeEach(angular.mock.inject((_$componentController_, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_, _$httpParamSerializer_) => { $componentController = _$componentController_; $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; $httpParamSerializer = _$httpParamSerializer_; controller = $componentController('vnWorkerCalendar', {$scope, $httpBackend}); })); describe('started() getter', () => { it(`should return first day and month of current year`, () => { let started = new Date(); started.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); started.setMonth(0); started.setDate(1); expect(controller.started).toEqual(started); }); }); describe('ended() getter', () => { it(`should return last day and month of current year`, () => { const monthIndex = 11; const ended = new Date(); ended.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); ended.setMonth(monthIndex + 1); // Last day of previous month (January) ended.setDate(0); expect(controller.ended).toEqual(ended); }); }); describe('monthsOfYear()', () => { it(`should return an array of twelve months length`, () => { const months = controller.monthsOfYear(); const ended = new Date(); ended.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); ended.setMonth(11); ended.setDate(1); expect(months.length).toEqual(12); expect(months[0]).toEqual(controller.started); expect(months[11]).toEqual(ended); }); }); describe('worker() setter', () => { it(`should perform a get query and call setHolidays() and setWorkerCalendar() methods`, () => { const worker = {id: 106}; spyOn(controller, 'setHolidays'); spyOn(controller, 'setWorkerCalendar'); const expectedData = { calendar: {}, absences: {} }; let params = $httpParamSerializer({ workerFk:, started: controller.started, ended: controller.ended }); $httpBackend.when('GET', `/worker/api/WorkerCalendars/absences?${params}`).respond(expectedData); $httpBackend.expect('GET', `/worker/api/WorkerCalendars/absences?${params}`); controller.worker = worker; $httpBackend.flush(); expect(controller.setHolidays).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedData); expect(controller.setHolidays).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedData); }); }); describe('setHolidays()', () => { it(`should set holidays`, () => { const data = {holidays: [ {dated: new Date(), detail: {description: 'New year'}}, {dated: new Date(), detail: {description: 'Easter'}} ]}; controller.setHolidays(data); expect(; expect([0].name).toEqual('New year'); expect([0].isRemovable).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('setWorkerCalendar()', () => { it(`should set absences of differente types`, () => { const data = {absences: [ {dated: new Date(), absenceType: {name: 'Holiday', rgb: '#000'}}, {dated: new Date(), absenceType: {name: 'Leave', rgb: '#000'}} ]}; controller.setWorkerCalendar(data); expect(; expect([0].name).toEqual('Holiday'); expect([0].style).toBeDefined(); expect([1].name).toEqual('Leave'); expect([1].style).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('absenceTypes() setter', () => { it(`should set the absence types in the controller`, () => { const absenceTypes = [ {id: 1, name: 'Holiday', rgb: '#000'}, {id: 2, name: 'Leave', rgb: '#000'} ]; expect(controller._absenceTypes).not.toBeDefined(); controller.absenceTypes = absenceTypes; expect(controller._absenceTypes.length).toEqual(2); }); it(`should set the absence types in the controller as formated legends`, () => { const absenceTypes = [ {id: 1, name: 'Holiday', rgb: '#000'}, {id: 2, name: 'Leave', rgb: '#000'} ]; expect(controller.legends).not.toBeDefined(); controller.absenceTypes = absenceTypes; expect(controller.legends.length).toEqual(2); expect(controller.legends[0].color).toBeDefined(); expect(controller.legends[1].color).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); });