describe('factory vnModuleLoader', () => { let vnModuleLoader; let $rootScope; let $window; beforeEach(ngModule('vnCore')); beforeEach(angular.mock.inject((_vnModuleLoader_, _$rootScope_, $httpBackend, _$window_, $q) => { vnModuleLoader = _vnModuleLoader_; $rootScope = _$rootScope_; $window = _$window_; $window.validations = {}; $window.routes = [ { module: 'myModule', dependencies: ['fooModule', 'barModule'] }, { module: 'fooModule', dependencies: ['myModule'] }, { module: 'barModule' } ]; $httpBackend.whenGET('modelInfo') .respond({ FooModel: { properties: { id: {type: 'Number'}, email: {type: 'String'}, field: {type: 'Boolean'} }, validations: { id: [{ validation: 'presence' }], email: [{ validation: 'format', with: '/@/' }], field: [{ validation: 'custom', bindedFunction: '() => true' }] } } }); $httpBackend.flush(); vnModuleLoader.moduleImport = () => $q.resolve(); })); describe('load()', () => { it('should throw error if module does not exist', async() => { let errorThrown; vnModuleLoader.load('unexistentModule') .catch(() => errorThrown = true); $rootScope.$apply(); expect(errorThrown).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should set module loaded to true when it is loaded', async() => { vnModuleLoader.load('barModule'); $rootScope.$apply(); expect(vnModuleLoader.loaded['barModule']).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should resolve returned promise when module is loaded', async() => { let loaded; vnModuleLoader.load('barModule') .then(() => loaded = true); $rootScope.$apply(); expect(loaded).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should load dependencies', async() => { vnModuleLoader.load('fooModule'); $rootScope.$apply(); expect(vnModuleLoader.loaded['barModule']).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should work with circular dependencies', async() => { vnModuleLoader.load('myModule'); $rootScope.$apply(); expect(vnModuleLoader.loaded['fooModule']).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should load models information and parse validations', async() => { vnModuleLoader.load('barModule'); let FooModel = $window.validations.FooModel; let validations = FooModel && FooModel.validations; expect(FooModel).toBeDefined(); expect(validations).toBeDefined(); expect([0].with).toBeInstanceOf(RegExp); expect(validations.field[0].bindedFunction).toBeInstanceOf(Function); }); }); });