module.exports = Self => { Self.remoteMethod('getWasteByWorker', { description: 'Returns the details of losses by worker', accessType: 'READ', accepts: [], returns: { type: ['object'], root: true }, http: { path: `/getWasteByWorker`, verb: 'GET' } }); Self.getWasteByWorker = async options => { const myOptions = {}; if (typeof options == 'object') Object.assign(myOptions, options); const date = Date.vnNew(); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const wastes = await Self.rawSql(` SELECT *, 100 * dwindle / total percentage FROM ( SELECT buyer, family, w.itemFk, SUM(w.saleTotal) total, SUM( w.saleExternalWaste + w.saleFaultWaste + w.saleContainerWaste + w.saleBreakWaste + w.saleOtherWaste ) dwindle FROM bs.waste w JOIN account.user u ON = w.buyerFk JOIN vn.itemType it ON = w.itemTypeFk WHERE year = YEAR(TIMESTAMPADD(WEEK, -1, ?)) AND week = WEEK(TIMESTAMPADD(WEEK, -1, ?), 1) GROUP BY buyerFk, itemTypeFk ) sub ORDER BY percentage DESC `, [date, date], myOptions); const wastesTotal = await Self.rawSql(` SELECT *, 100 * dwindle / total percentage FROM ( SELECT buyer, SUM(w.saleTotal) total, SUM( w.saleExternalWaste + w.saleFaultWaste + w.saleContainerWaste + w.saleBreakWaste + w.saleOtherWaste ) dwindle FROM bs.waste w JOIN account.user u ON = w.buyerFk WHERE w.year = YEAR(TIMESTAMPADD(WEEK, -1, ?)) AND w.week = WEEK(TIMESTAMPADD(WEEK, -1, ?), 1) GROUP BY w.buyerFk ) sub ORDER BY percentage DESC `, [date, date], myOptions); const details = []; for (let waste of wastes) { const buyerName = waste.buyer; let buyerDetail = details.find(waste => { return waste.buyer == buyerName; }); if (!buyerDetail) { buyerDetail = { buyer: buyerName, lines: [] }; details.push(buyerDetail); } buyerDetail.lines.push(waste); } for (let waste of details) { let buyerTotal = wastesTotal.find(totals => { return waste.buyer == totals.buyer; }); Object.assign(waste, buyerTotal); } return details; }; };