import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
import createNightmare from '../../helpers/nightmare';

describe('Ticket create from client path', () => {
    const nightmare = createNightmare();

    beforeAll(() => {
            .loginAndModule('employee', 'client')
            .accessToSearchResult('Petter Parker');

    it('should click the create simple ticket on the descriptor menu', async() => {
        const url = await nightmare


    it('should check if the client details are the expected ones', async() => {
        const client = await nightmare
            .waitToGetProperty(`${selectors.createTicketView.clientAutocomplete} input`, 'value');

        const address = await nightmare
            .waitToGetProperty(`${selectors.createTicketView.addressAutocomplete} input`, 'value');

        expect(client).toContain('Petter Parker');
        expect(address).toContain('20 Ingram Street');