import ngModule from '../module'; export default class Controller { constructor($scope, $http, vnApp, $translate) { this.$scope = $scope; this.$http = $http; this.vnApp = vnApp; this.$translate = $translate; } get client() { return this._client; } set client(value) { this._client = value; if (!value) return; if (!value.bankEntityFk) this.autofillBic(); this.newBankEntity = { countryFk: Number.parseInt(value.countryFk) }; } onSubmit() { let shouldNotify = false; if (this.hasPaymethodChanges()) shouldNotify = true; this.$scope.watcher.submit().then(() => { if (shouldNotify) this.vnApp.showMessage(this.$translate.instant('Notification sent!')); }); } hasPaymethodChanges() { let orgData = this.$scope.watcher.orgData; let payMethod = orgData.payMethodFk != this.client.payMethodFk; let iban = orgData.iban != this.client.iban; let dueDay = orgData.dueDay != this.client.dueDay; return payMethod || iban || dueDay; } onBankEntityOpen() { = ''; = ''; this.newBankEntity.bic = ''; this.$scope.$apply(); } onBankEntityResponse(response) { if (response == 'accept') { try { if (! throw new Error(`Name can't be empty`); if (!this.newBankEntity.bic) throw new Error(`Swift / BIC can't be empty`); this.$`BankEntities`, this.newBankEntity).then(response => { if ( this.client.bankEntityFk =; }); } catch (e) { this.vnApp.showError(this.$translate.instant(e.message)); return false; } } return true; } get ibanCountry() { if (!this.client || !this.client.iban) return false; let countryCode = this.client.iban.substr(0, 2); return countryCode; } autofillBic() { if (!this.client || !this.client.iban) return; let bankEntityId = parseInt(this.client.iban.substr(4, 4)); let filter = {where: {id: bankEntityId}}; if (this.ibanCountry != 'ES') return; let json = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filter)); this.$http.get(`BankEntities?filter=${json}`).then(response => { const hasData = &&[0]; if (hasData) this.client.bankEntityFk =[0].id; else if (!hasData) this.client.bankEntityFk = null; }); } } Controller.$inject = ['$scope', '$http', 'vnApp', '$translate']; ngModule.component('vnClientBillingData', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller, bindings: { client: '<' } });