import './watcher.js'; import getModifiedData from '../../lib/modified'; describe('Component vnWatcher', () => { let $scope; let $element; let $state; let $httpBackend; let controller; let $attrs; let $q; beforeEach(ngModule('vnCore')); beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(($componentController, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_, _$state_, _$q_) => { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $element = angular.element('<div></div>'); $state = _$state_; $q = _$q_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; $attrs = { save: 'patch' }; controller = $componentController('vnWatcher', {$scope, $element, $state, $httpBackend, $attrs, $q}); })); describe('$onInit()', () => { it(`should call fetchData() if controllers get and url properties are defined`, () => { controller.get = () => {}; controller.url = ''; spyOn(controller, 'fetchData'); controller.$onInit(); expect(controller.fetchData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it(`should throw an error if $onInit is called without url defined`, () => { controller.get = () => {}; expect(function() { controller.$onInit(); }).toThrowError(/parameter/); }); }); describe('fetchData()', () => { it(`should perform a query then store the received data into and call updateOriginalData()`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'updateOriginalData'); let json = {data: 'some data'}; = [1]; controller.idField = 0; controller.url = ''; $httpBackend.whenGET('').respond(json); $httpBackend.expectGET(''); controller.fetchData(); $httpBackend.flush(); expect({data: 'some data'}); expect(controller.updateOriginalData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); }); describe('submitBack()', () => { it(`should call controller.window.history.back() function after calling controllers submit() function`, done => { spyOn(controller, 'submit').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()); spyOn(controller.window.history, 'back'); controller.submitBack() .then(() => { expect(controller.submit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); expect(controller.window.history.back).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('submitGo()', () => { it(`should call controller.$state.go() function after calling controllers submit() function`, done => { spyOn(controller, 'submit').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()); spyOn(controller.$state, 'go'); let state = 'the.State'; controller.submitGo(state) .then(() => { expect(controller.submit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); expect(controller.$state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state, {}); done(); }).catch(; }); }); describe('check()', () => { it(`should throw error if controller.form is invalid`, () => { controller.form = {$invalid: true}; expect(function() { controller.check(); }).toThrowError(); }); it(`should throw error if controller.dirty is true`, () => { controller.form = {$invalid: true}; expect(function() { controller.check(); }).toThrowError(); }); }); describe('realSubmit()', () => { describe('when controller.form', () => { it(`should call controller.form.setSubmited if controller.form is defined`, () => { controller.form = { $setSubmitted: () => {}, $setPristine: () => {} }; spyOn(controller.form, '$setSubmitted'); controller.realSubmit(); expect(controller.form.$setSubmitted).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); }); describe('when', () => { it(`should set property`, () => { = {accept: () => $q.resolve()}; = {originalInfo: 'original data', info: 'new data'}; controller.orgData = {originalInfo: 'original data'}; controller.realSubmit(); expect({info: 'new data'}); }); }); describe('when id is defined', () => { it(`should perform a query then call controller.writeData()`, done => { controller.dataChanged = () => { return true; }; = {id: 2}; controller.orgData = {id: 1}; let changedData = getModifiedData(, controller.orgData); controller.idField = 'id'; controller.url = ''; let json = {data: 'some data'}; spyOn(controller, 'writeData').and.callThrough(); $httpBackend.whenPATCH(`${controller.url}/1`, changedData).respond(json); $httpBackend.expectPATCH(`${controller.url}/1`); controller.realSubmit() .then(() => { expect(controller.writeData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object), jasmine.any(Function)); done(); }).catch(; $httpBackend.flush(); }); }); it(`should perform a POST query then call controller.writeData()`, done => { controller.dataChanged = () => { return true; }; = {id: 2}; controller.orgData = {id: 1}; controller.url = ''; let json = {data: 'some data'}; spyOn(controller, 'writeData').and.callThrough(); $httpBackend.whenPOST(`${controller.url}`,; $httpBackend.expectPOST(`${controller.url}`,; controller.realSubmit() .then(() => { expect(controller.writeData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Object), jasmine.any(Function)); done(); }).catch(; $httpBackend.flush(); }); }); describe('writeData()', () => { it(`should call Object.asssign() function over with, then call updateOriginalData function and finally call resolve() function`, () => { spyOn(controller, 'updateOriginalData'); = {}; let json = {data: 'some data'}; let resolve = jasmine.createSpy('resolve'); controller.writeData(json, resolve); expect(controller.updateOriginalData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); expect(resolve).toHaveBeenCalledWith(json); }); }); describe('callback()', () => { describe(`when dataChanged() returns true and there's no state in the controller`, () => { it(`should define controller.state, call controller.$ and return false`, () => { $scope.confirm = {show: jasmine.createSpy('show')}; controller.dataChanged = () => { return true; }; controller.state = undefined; let transition = {to: () => { return {name: 'Batman'}; }}; let result = controller.callback(transition); expect(controller.state).toEqual('Batman'); expect(controller.$; expect(result).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe(`when dataChanged() returns false and/or there's a state in the controller`, () => { it(`should return true`, () => { $scope.confirm = {show: jasmine.createSpy('show')}; controller.dataChanged = () => { return false; }; controller.state = 'the state'; let transition = {to: () => { return {name: 'Batman'}; }}; let result = controller.callback(transition); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); describe(`onConfirmResponse()`, () => { describe(`when response is accept`, () => { it(`should call Object.assing on with controller.orgData then call go() on state`, () => { let response = 'accept'; = {}; controller.orgData = {name: 'Batman'}; controller.$state = {go: jasmine.createSpy('go')}; controller.state = 'Batman'; controller.onConfirmResponse(response); expect(; expect(controller.$state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith(controller.state); }); }); describe(`when response is not accept`, () => { it(`should set controller.state to null`, () => { let response = 'anything but accept'; controller.state = 'Batman'; controller.onConfirmResponse(response); expect(controller.state).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); describe(`loadOriginalData()`, () => { it(`should iterate over the current data object, delete all properties then assign the ones from original data`, () => { = {name: 'Bruce'}; controller.orgData = {name: 'Batman'}; controller.loadOriginalData(); expect(; }); }); });