module.exports = function(Self) { Self.installCrudModel = function(methodName) { let Model = this; Model.remoteMethod(methodName, { description: 'create, update or delete model', accessType: 'WRITE', accepts: [ { arg: 'crudStruct', type: 'Object', require: true, description: 'object with instances of model to create, update or delete, Example: {create: [], update: [], delete: []}', http: {source: 'body'} } ], http: { path: `/${methodName}`, verb: 'post' } }); Model[methodName] = async crudStruct => { let promises = []; let tx = await Model.beginTransaction({}); let options = {transaction: tx}; try { if (crudStruct.delete && crudStruct.delete.length) { promises.push(Model.destroyAll({id: {inq: crudStruct.delete}}, options)); } if (crudStruct.create.length) { promises.push(Model.create(crudStruct.create, options)); } if (crudStruct.update.length) { crudStruct.update.forEach(toUpdate => { promises.push(Model.upsert(toUpdate, options)); }); } await Promise.all(promises); await tx.commit(); } catch (e) { await tx.rollback(); throw e; } }; }; };