import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
import createNightmare from '../../helpers/nightmare';

describe('Item create niche path', () => {
    const nightmare = createNightmare();

    beforeAll(() => {
        return nightmare

    it('should access to the items index by clicking the items button', async () => {
        const url = await nightmare


    it('should search for the item Gem of Time', async () => {
        const resultCount = await nightmare
            .type(selectors.itemsIndex.searchItemInput, 'Gem of Time')
            .waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.itemsIndex.searchResult, 1)


    it(`should click on the search result to access to the item niches`, async () => {
        const url = await nightmare
            .waitForTextInElement(selectors.itemsIndex.searchResult, 'Gem of Time')


    it(`should click create a new niche and delete a former one`, async () => {
        const result = await nightmare
            .type(selectors.itemNiches.thirdCodeInput, 'A4')

        expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');

    it(`should confirm the first niche is the expected one`, async () => {
        let result = await nightmare
            .waitForTextInInput(selectors.itemNiches.firstWarehouseSelect, 'Warehouse One')

        expect(result).toEqual('Warehouse One');
        result = await nightmare


    it(`should confirm the second niche is the expected one`, async () => {
        let result = await nightmare

        expect(result).toEqual('Warehouse Three');
        result = await nightmare


    it(`should confirm the third niche is the expected one`, async () => {
        let result = await nightmare

        expect(result).toEqual('Warehouse Two');
        result = await nightmare
