# Salix

This project is an Enterprise resource planning (ERP) integrated management of core business processes, in real-time and mediated by software and technology developed with the stack listed below.

Salix is also the scientific name of a beautifull tree! :)

## Prerequisites

Required applications.

* Node.js = 8.9.4
* Docker

You will need to install globally the following items.
$ npm install -g karma-cli gulp webpack nodemon

## Getting Started // Installing

Pull from repository.

Run this commands on project root directory to install Node dependencies.
$ npm install
$ gulp install

Launch application in developer environment.
$ gulp

Also you can run backend and frontend as separately gulp tasks (including NGINX).
$ gulp client
$ gulp services

Manually reset fixtures.
$ gulp docker

## Running the unit tests

For client-side unit tests run from project's root.
$ karma start

For server-side unit tests run from project's root.
$ npm run test

For end-to-end tests run from project's root.
$ gulp e2e

## Built With

* [angularjs](https://angularjs.org/)
* [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/)
* [webpack](https://webpack.js.org/)
* [loopback](https://loopback.io/)
* [docker](https://www.docker.com/)
* [gulp.js](https://gulpjs.com/)
* [Karma](https://karma-runner.github.io/)
* [Jasmine](https://jasmine.github.io/)
* [Nightmare](http://www.nightmarejs.org/)