import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
import createNightmare from '../../helpers/nightmare';

describe('Route create path', () => {
    const nightmare = createNightmare();
    describe('as employee', () => {
        beforeAll(() => {
                .loginAndModule('employee', 'route');

        it('should click on the add new route button and open the creation form', async() => {
            const url = await nightmare


        it(`should attempt to create a new route but fail since employee has no access rights`, async() => {
            const result = await nightmare
                .write(selectors.createRouteView.descriptionInput, 'faster faster!!')

            expect(result).toEqual('Access denied');

    describe('as delivery', () => {
        beforeAll(() => {

        it('should again click on the add new route button and open the creation form', async() => {
            const url = await nightmare


        it(`should create a new route`, async() => {
            const result = await nightmare
                .autocompleteSearch(selectors.createRouteView.workerAutocomplete, 'teamManagerNick')
                .datePicker(selectors.createRouteView.createdDatePicker, 0, null)
                .autocompleteSearch(selectors.createRouteView.vehicleAutoComplete, '4444-IMK')
                .autocompleteSearch(selectors.createRouteView.agencyAutoComplete, 'Teleportation device')
                .write(selectors.createRouteView.descriptionInput, 'faster faster!!')

            expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');

        it(`should confirm the redirection to the created route summary`, async() => {
            const url = await nightmare
