DROP procedure IF EXISTS `vn`.`ticketComponentUpdateSale`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `vn`.`ticketComponentUpdateSale`(vOption INT) BEGIN /** * A partir de la tabla tmp.sale, crea los Movimientos_componentes * y modifica el campo Preu de la tabla Movimientos * * @param i_option integer tipo de actualizacion * @param table tmp.sale tabla memory con el campo saleFk, warehouseFk **/ DECLARE vComponentFk INT; DECLARE vRenewComponents BOOLEAN; DECLARE vKeepPrices BOOLEAN; CASE vOption WHEN 1 THEN SET vRenewComponents = TRUE; SET vKeepPrices = FALSE; WHEN 2 THEN SET vComponentFk = 17; SET vRenewComponents = TRUE; SET vKeepPrices = TRUE; WHEN 3 THEN SET vComponentFk = 37; SET vRenewComponents = TRUE; SET vKeepPrices = TRUE; WHEN 4 THEN SET vComponentFk = 34; SET vRenewComponents = TRUE; SET vKeepPrices = TRUE; WHEN 5 THEN SET vComponentFk = 35; SET vRenewComponents = TRUE; SET vKeepPrices = TRUE; WHEN 6 THEN SET vComponentFk = 36; SET vRenewComponents = TRUE; SET vKeepPrices = TRUE; WHEN 7 THEN REPLACE INTO saleComponent(saleFk, componentFk, value) SELECT s.id, 28, ROUND(((s.price * (100 - s.discount) / 100) - SUM(IFNULL(sc.value, 0))) * 0.8, 3) FROM sale s JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = s.id LEFT JOIN saleComponent sc ON sc.saleFk = s.id AND sc.componentFk NOT IN (28, 29) GROUP BY s.id; REPLACE INTO saleComponent(saleFk, componentFk, value) SELECT s.id, 29, ROUND(((s.price * (100 - s.discount) / 100) - SUM(IFNULL(sc.value, 0))) * 0.2, 3) FROM sale s JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = s.id LEFT JOIN saleComponent sc ON sc.saleFk = s.id AND sc.componentFk NOT IN (28, 29) GROUP BY s.id; SET vRenewComponents = FALSE; SET vKeepPrices = FALSE; WHEN 8 THEN DELETE sc.* FROM tmp.sale tmps JOIN saleComponent sc ON sc.saleFk = tmps.saleFk; REPLACE INTO saleComponent(saleFk, componentFk, value) SELECT s.id, 28, ROUND(((s.price * (100 - s.discount) / 100)), 3) FROM sale s JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = s.id; SET vRenewComponents = FALSE; SET vKeepPrices = FALSE; WHEN 9 THEN SET vRenewComponents = TRUE; SET vKeepPrices = TRUE; END CASE; IF vRenewComponents THEN DELETE sc.* FROM tmp.sale tmps JOIN saleComponent sc ON sc.saleFk = tmps.saleFk JOIN `component` c ON c.id = sc.componentFk WHERE c.isRenewable; REPLACE INTO saleComponent(saleFk, componentFk, value) SELECT s.id, tc.componentFk, tc.cost FROM sale s JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = s.id JOIN tmp.ticketComponent tc ON tc.itemFk = s.itemFk AND tc.warehouseFk = tmps.warehouseFk LEFT JOIN saleComponent sc ON sc.saleFk = s.id AND sc.componentFk = tc.componentFk LEFT JOIN `component` c ON c.id = tc.componentFk WHERE IF(sc.componentFk IS NULL AND NOT c.isRenewable, FALSE, TRUE); END IF; IF vKeepPrices THEN REPLACE INTO saleComponent(saleFk, componentFk, value) SELECT s.id, vComponentFk, ROUND((s.price * (100 - s.discount) / 100) - SUM(sc.value), 3) dif FROM sale s JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = s.id LEFT JOIN saleComponent sc ON sc.saleFk = s.id WHERE sc.saleFk <> vComponentFk GROUP BY s.id HAVING dif <> 0; ELSE UPDATE sale s JOIN item i on i.id = s.itemFk JOIN itemType it on it.id = i.typeFk JOIN (SELECT SUM(sc.value) sumValue, sc.saleFk FROM saleComponent sc JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = sc.saleFk GROUP BY sc.saleFk) sc ON sc.saleFk = s.id SET s.price = sumValue WHERE it.code != 'PRT' ; REPLACE INTO saleComponent(saleFk, componentFk, value) SELECT s.id, 21, ROUND((s.price * (100 - s.discount) / 100) - SUM(value), 3) saleValue FROM sale s JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = s.id LEFT JOIN saleComponent sc ON sc.saleFk = s.id WHERE sc.componentFk != 21 GROUP BY s.id HAVING ROUND(saleValue, 4) <> 0; END IF; UPDATE sale s JOIN ( SELECT SUM(sc.value) sumValue, sc.saleFk FROM saleComponent sc JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = sc.saleFk JOIN `component` c ON c.id = sc.componentFk JOIN componentType ct on ct.id = c.typeFk AND ct.isBase GROUP BY sc.saleFk) sc ON sc.saleFk = s.id SET s.priceFixed = sumValue, s.isPriceFixed = 1; DELETE sc.* FROM saleComponent sc JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = sc.saleFk JOIN sale s on s.id = sc.saleFk JOIN item i ON i.id = s.itemFk JOIN itemType it ON it.id = i.typeFk WHERE it.code = 'PRT'; INSERT INTO saleComponent(saleFk, componentFk, value) SELECT s.id, 15, s.price FROM sale s JOIN tmp.sale tmps ON tmps.saleFk = s.id JOIN item i ON i.id = s.itemFK JOIN itemType it ON it.id = i.typeFk WHERE it.code = 'PRT' AND s.price > 0; END$$ DELIMITER ;