let request = require('request-promise-native'); let UserError = require('vn-loopback/util/user-error'); let getFinalState = require('vn-loopback/util/hook').getFinalState; let isMultiple = require('vn-loopback/util/hook').isMultiple; module.exports = Self => { // Methods require('../methods/client/activeWorkersWithRole')(Self); require('../methods/client/getCard')(Self); require('../methods/client/createWithUser')(Self); require('../methods/client/listWorkers')(Self); require('../methods/client/hasCustomerRole')(Self); require('../methods/client/isValidClient')(Self); require('../methods/client/addressesPropagateRe')(Self); require('../methods/client/getDebt')(Self); require('../methods/client/getMana')(Self); require('../methods/client/getAverageInvoiced')(Self); require('../methods/client/summary')(Self); require('../methods/client/updateFiscalData')(Self); require('../methods/client/getTransactions')(Self); require('../methods/client/confirmTransaction')(Self); require('../methods/client/canBeInvoiced')(Self); require('../methods/client/uploadFile')(Self); require('../methods/client/lastActiveTickets')(Self); // Validations Self.validatesPresenceOf('street', { message: 'Street cannot be empty' }); Self.validatesPresenceOf('city', { message: 'City cannot be empty' }); Self.validatesUniquenessOf('fi', { message: 'TIN must be unique' }); Self.validatesUniquenessOf('socialName', { message: 'The company name must be unique' }); Self.validatesFormatOf('email', { message: 'Invalid email', allowNull: true, allowBlank: true, with: /^[\w|.|-]+@[\w|-]+(\.[\w|-]+)*(,[\w|.|-]+@[\w|-]+(\.[\w|-]+)*)*$/ }); Self.validatesLengthOf('postcode', { allowNull: true, allowBlank: true, min: 3, max: 10 }); Self.validateAsync('iban', ibanNeedsValidation, { message: 'The IBAN does not have the correct format' }); let validateIban = require('../validations/validateIban'); async function ibanNeedsValidation(err, done) { let filter = { fields: ['code'], where: {id: this.countryFk} }; let country = await Self.app.models.Country.findOne(filter); let code = country ? country.code.toLowerCase() : null; if (code != 'es') return done(); if (!validateIban(this.iban)) err(); done(); } Self.validateAsync('fi', tinIsValid, { message: 'Invalid TIN' }); let validateTin = require('../validations/validateTin'); async function tinIsValid(err, done) { if (!this.isTaxDataChecked) return done(); let filter = { fields: ['code'], where: {id: this.countryFk} }; let country = await Self.app.models.Country.findOne(filter); let code = country ? country.code.toLowerCase() : null; if (!this.fi || !validateTin(this.fi, code)) err(); done(); } Self.validate('payMethod', hasSalesMan, { message: 'Cannot change the payment method if no salesperson' }); function hasSalesMan(err) { if (this.payMethod && !this.salesPerson) err(); } Self.validate('isEqualizated', cannotHaveET, { message: 'Cannot check Equalization Tax in this NIF/CIF' }); function cannotHaveET(err) { let tin = this.fi.toUpperCase(); let cannotHaveET = /^[A-B]/.test(tin); if (cannotHaveET && this.isEqualizated) err(); } Self.validateAsync('payMethodFk', hasIban, { message: 'That payment method requires an IBAN' }); function hasIban(err, done) { Self.app.models.PayMethod.findById(this.payMethodFk, (_, instance) => { if (instance && instance.ibanRequired && !this.iban) err(); done(); }); } Self.validateAsync('bankEntityFk', hasBic, { message: 'That payment method requires a BIC' }); function hasBic(err, done) { if (this.iban && !this.bankEntityFk) err(); done(); } Self.validateAsync('defaultAddressFk', isActive, {message: 'Unable to default a disabled consignee'} ); async function isActive(err, done) { if (!this.defaultAddressFk) return done(); const address = await Self.app.models.Address.findById(this.defaultAddressFk); if (address && !address.isActive) err(); done(); } Self.validateBinded('socialName', isAlpha, { message: 'Value has an invalid format' }); function isAlpha(value) { const regexp = new RegExp(/^[a-zA-Z\s]*$/); return regexp.test(value); } Self.validateAsync('postCode', hasValidPostcode, { message: `The postcode doesn't exists. Ensure you put the correct format` }); async function hasValidPostcode(err, done) { if (!this.postcode) return done(); const models = Self.app.models; const postcode = await models.Postcode.findById(this.postcode); if (!postcode) err(); done(); } Self.observe('before save', async function(ctx) { let changes = ctx.data || ctx.instance; let orgData = ctx.currentInstance; let finalState = getFinalState(ctx); let payMethodWithIban = 4; if (changes.salesPerson === null) { changes.credit = 0; changes.discount = 0; changes.payMethodFk = 5; // Credit card } let payMethodFk = changes.payMethodFk || (orgData && orgData.payMethodFk); let dueDay = changes.dueDay || (orgData && orgData.dueDay); if (payMethodFk == payMethodWithIban && dueDay == 0) changes.dueDay = 5; if (isMultiple(ctx)) return; if (changes.credit !== undefined) { await validateCreditChange(ctx, finalState); let filter = {fields: ['id'], where: {userFk: ctx.options.accessToken.userId}}; let worker = await Self.app.models.Worker.findOne(filter); let newCredit = { amount: changes.credit, clientFk: finalState.id, workerFk: worker ? worker.id : null }; await Self.app.models.ClientCredit.create(newCredit); } }); Self.observe('after save', async ctx => { if (ctx.isNewInstance) return; const hookState = ctx.hookState; const newInstance = hookState.newInstance; const oldInstance = hookState.oldInstance; const instance = ctx.instance; const payMethodChanged = oldInstance.payMethodFk != newInstance.payMethodFk; const ibanChanged = oldInstance.iban != newInstance.iban; const dueDayChanged = oldInstance.dueDay != newInstance.dueDay; if (payMethodChanged || ibanChanged || dueDayChanged) { const message = `La forma de pago del cliente con id ${instance.id} ha cambiado`; const salesPersonFk = instance.salesPersonFk; if (salesPersonFk) { const salesPerson = await Self.app.models.Worker.findById(salesPersonFk); await Self.app.models.Message.send(ctx, { recipientFk: salesPerson.userFk, message: message }); } const options = { method: 'POST', uri: '', body: { clientFk: instance.id }, json: true }; await request(options); } }); async function validateCreditChange(ctx, finalState) { let models = Self.app.models; let userId = ctx.options.accessToken.userId; let currentUserIsManager = await models.Account.hasRole(userId, 'manager'); if (currentUserIsManager) return; let filter = { fields: ['roleFk'], where: { maxAmount: {gt: ctx.data.credit} } }; let limits = await models.ClientCreditLimit.find(filter); if (limits.length == 0) throw new UserError('Credit limits not found'); // Si el usuario no tiene alguno de los roles no continua let requiredRoles = []; for (limit of limits) requiredRoles.push(limit.roleFk); let where = { roleId: {inq: requiredRoles}, principalType: 'USER', principalId: userId }; let count = await models.RoleMapping.count(where); if (count <= 0) throw new UserError('The role cannot set this credit amount'); // Si se puso a 0 por gerencia, solo gerencia puede aumentarlo let query = 'SELECT * FROM clientCredit WHERE clientFk = ? ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1'; let instances = await Self.rawSql(query, [finalState.id]); if (instances.length !== 1 || instances[0].amount > 0) return; query = ` SELECT COUNT(*) AS hasRoleManager FROM worker em JOIN account.user ac ON ac.id = em.userFk JOIN salix.RoleMapping rm ON rm.principalId = ac.id JOIN account.role r on r.id = rm.roleId WHERE em.id = ? AND rm.principalType = 'USER' AND r.name = 'manager'`; let instance = await Self.rawSql(query, [instances[0].workerFk]); if (instance[0].hasRoleManager) throw new UserError('Only manager can change the credit'); } };