/* eslint-disable no-console */ const path = require('path'); const getopts = require('getopts'); const Myt = require('@verdnatura/myt/myt'); const Run = require('@verdnatura/myt/myt-run'); const helper = require('./tests-helper'); const opts = getopts(process.argv.slice(2), { string: [ 'network' ], boolean: [ 'ci', 'junit' ] }); let server; const PARALLEL = false; const SETUP_TIMEOUT = 15 * 60 * 1000; const SPEC_TIMEOUT = 300 * 1000; process.on('exit', teardown); process.on('uncaughtException', onError); process.on('unhandledRejection', onError); const exitSignals = [ 'SIGINT', 'SIGUSR1', 'SIGUSR2' ]; for (const signal of exitSignals) process.on(signal, () => process.exit()); async function setup() { console.log('Building and running DB container.'); const myt = new Myt(); await myt.init({ workspace: path.join(__dirname, '..'), random: true, ci: opts.ci, tmpfs: process.platform == 'linux', network: opts.network || null }); server = await myt.run(Run); await myt.deinit(); const {dbConfig} = server; process.env.DB_HOST = dbConfig.host; process.env.DB_PORT = dbConfig.port; if (!PARALLEL) await helper.init(); } async function teardown() { if (!server) return; const oldServer = server; server = null; if (!PARALLEL) await helper.deinit(); console.log('Stopping and removing DB container.'); await oldServer.rm(); } async function onError(err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } async function test() { let runner; const config = { globalSetup: setup, globalSetupTimeout: SETUP_TIMEOUT, globalTeardown: teardown, globalTeardownTimeout: SETUP_TIMEOUT, spec_dir: '.', spec_files: [ 'back/**/*[sS]pec.js', 'loopback/**/*[sS]pec.js', 'modules/*/back/**/*.[sS]pec.js' ], helpers: [`back/vn-jasmine.js`], }; if (PARALLEL) { const ParallelRunner = require('jasmine/parallel'); runner = new ParallelRunner({numWorkers: 1}); config.helpers.push(`back/tests-helper.js`); } else { const Jasmine = require('jasmine'); runner = new Jasmine(); const SpecReporter = require('jasmine-spec-reporter').SpecReporter; runner.addReporter(new SpecReporter({ spec: { displaySuccessful: opts.ci, displayPending: opts.ci }, summary: { displayPending: false, } })); } if (opts.junit) { const JunitReporter = require('jasmine-reporters'); runner.addReporter(new JunitReporter.JUnitXmlReporter()); } // if (opts.ci) runner.jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = SPEC_TIMEOUT; runner.loadConfig(config); process.env.SPEC_IS_RUNNING = true; await runner.execute(); } test();