import ngModule from '../../module'; import Input from '../../lib/input'; import './style.scss'; export default class InputNumber extends Input { constructor($element, $scope, $attrs, vnTemplate) { super($element, $scope); this.displayControls = false; this.hasFocus = false; vnTemplate.normalizeInputAttrs($attrs); this.registerEvents(); } /** * Registers all event emitters */ registerEvents() { this.input.addEventListener('change', event => { if (!isNaN(this.value)) this.input.value = this.value; this.validateValue(); this.emit('change', {event}); }); this.input.addEventListener('focus', event => { this.emit('focus', {event}); }); } /** * Gets current value */ get value() { return this._value; } /** * Sets input value * * @param {Number} value - Value */ set value(value) { this.hasValue = !(value === null || value === undefined || value === ''); if (!this.hasOwnProperty('_value') && this.hasValue || value === '') this.input.value = value; this._value = value; if (this.hasValue) this.element.classList.add('not-empty'); else this.element.classList.remove('not-empty'); this.validateValue(); } /** * Gets max value */ get max() { return this.input.max; } /** * Sets max allowed value * * @param {Number} value - Value */ set max(value) { if (value) this.input.max = value; } /** * Gets min value */ get min() { return this.input.min; } /** * Sets min allowed value * * @param {Number} value - Value */ set min(value) { if (value) this.input.min = value; } /** * Gets min step value */ get step() { return parseFloat(this.input.step); } /** * Sets min step value * * @param {Number} value - Value */ set step(value) { if (value) this.input.step = value; } get validationError() { return this.input.validationMessage; } /** * Increases the input value */ stepUp() { this.input.stepUp(); } /** * Decreases the input value */ stepDown() { this.input.stepDown(); } /** * Validates a valid input value * * @return {Boolean} - True if has a valid value */ hasValidValue() { return this.input.checkValidity(); } /** * Changes the input element * if has a validation error */ validateValue() { if (!this.hasValidValue()) { this.hideError(); this.showError(); } else this.hideError(); } /** * Shows the input validation error */ showError() { const infixElement = this.element.querySelector('.infix'); const infixClassList = infixElement.classList; const errorSpan = document.createElement('span'); errorSpan.className = 'mdl-textfield__error'; const errorText = document.createTextNode(this.validationError); errorSpan.append(errorText); infixElement.append(errorSpan); infixClassList.add('validated', 'invalid'); } /** * Hides the input validation error */ hideError() { const infixElement = this.element.querySelector('.infix'); const infixClassList = infixElement.classList; const errorElement = this.element.querySelector('.infix span.mdl-textfield__error'); if (errorElement) errorElement.remove(); infixClassList.remove('validated', 'invalid'); } } InputNumber.$inject = ['$element', '$scope', '$attrs', 'vnTemplate']; ngModule.component('vnInputNumber', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: InputNumber, bindings: { label: '@?', name: '@?', disabled: '