import './index'; import crudModel from 'core/mocks/crud-model'; describe('component vnZoneCalendar', () => { let $scope; let controller; beforeEach(ngModule('zone')); beforeEach(inject(($componentController, $rootScope) => { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); const $element = angular.element(`<vn-zone-calendar></vn-zone-calendar>`); controller = $componentController('vnZoneCalendar', {$element, $scope}); controller.$.model = crudModel; = {id: 1}; controller.days = []; controller.exclusions = []; controller.geoExclusions = []; })); describe('date() setter', () => { it('should set the month property and then call the refreshEvents() method', () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'refreshEvents').mockReturnThis(); = Date.vnNew(); expect(controller.refreshEvents).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); expect(controller.months.length).toEqual(4); }); }); describe('step()', () => { it('should set the date month to 4 months backwards', () => { const now = Date.vnNew(); now.setDate(15); now.setMonth(now.getMonth() - 4); controller.step(-1); const expectedMonth = now.getMonth(); const currentMonth =; expect(currentMonth).toEqual(expectedMonth); }); it('should set the date month to 4 months forwards', () => { const now = Date.vnNew(); now.setDate(15); now.setMonth(now.getMonth() + 4); controller.step(1); const expectedMonth = now.getMonth(); const currentMonth =; expect(currentMonth).toEqual(expectedMonth); }); }); describe('data() setter', () => { it('should set the events, exclusions and geoExclusions and then call the refreshEvents() method', () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'refreshEvents').mockReturnThis(); = { exclusions: [{ dated: Date.vnNew() }], events: [{ dated: Date.vnNew() }], geoExclusions: [{ dated: Date.vnNew() }], }; expect(controller.refreshEvents).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); expect(; expect(; expect(controller.exclusions).toBeDefined(); expect(controller.geoExclusions).toBeDefined(); expect(Object.keys(controller.exclusions).length).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('refreshEvents()', () => { it('should fill the days property with the events.', () => { = []; controller.firstDay = Date.vnNew(); const lastDay = Date.vnNew(); lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() + 10); controller.lastDay = lastDay; const firstEventStamp = controller.firstDay.getTime(); const lastEventStamp = controller.lastDay.getTime(); = [{ type: 'day', dated: firstEventStamp }, { type: 'day', dated: lastEventStamp }]; controller.refreshEvents(); const expectedDays = Object.keys(controller.days); expect(expectedDays.length).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('onSelection()', () => { it('should call the emit() method', () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'emit'); const $event = {}; const $days = [Date.vnNew()]; const $type = 'day'; const $weekday = 1; controller.onSelection($event, $days, $type, $weekday); expect(controller.emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('selection', { $days: $days, $event: {}, $events: [], $exclusions: [], $type: 'day', $weekday: 1, $geoExclusions: [], } ); }); }); describe('hasEvents()', () => { it('should return true for an existing event on a date', () => { const dated = Date.vnNew(); controller.days[dated.getTime()] = true; const result = controller.hasEvents(dated); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('getClass()', () => { it('should return the className "excluded" for an excluded date', () => { const dated = Date.vnNew(); controller.exclusions = []; controller.exclusions[dated.getTime()] = true; const result = controller.getClass(dated); expect(result).toEqual('excluded'); }); it('should return the className "geoExcluded" for a date with geo excluded', () => { const dated = Date.vnNew(); controller.geoExclusions = []; controller.geoExclusions[dated.getTime()] = true; const result = controller.getClass(dated); expect(result).toEqual('geoExcluded'); }); }); });