import './index.js'; describe('Component vnInputTime', () => { let $scope; let $attrs; let $timeout; let $element; let controller; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('vnCore', $translateProvider => { $translateProvider.translations('en', {}); })); beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(($componentController, $rootScope) => { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $attrs = {field: '$'}; $element = angular.element('
'); controller = $componentController('vnInputTime', {$element, $scope, $attrs, $timeout, $transclude: () => {}}); })); describe('value() setter', () => { it(`should set _value to a given value, add the class not-empty and remove invalid and validated`, () => { const today = new Date(); controller.value = today; let classes = controller.element.classList.toString(); expect(classes).toContain('not-empty'); expect(controller._value).toEqual(today); classes = controller.element.querySelector('.infix').classList.toString(); expect(classes).not.toContain('invalid validated'); }); it(`should set _value to a given value and not add the class not-empty if the given value is null`, () => { controller.value = null; let classes = controller.element.classList.toString(); expect(classes).not.toContain('not-empty'); expect(controller._value).toEqual(null); }); }); });