import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
import createNightmare from '../../helpers/nightmare';

describe('Ticket', () => {
    describe('Delete expeditions path', () => {
        const nightmare = createNightmare();

        beforeAll(() => {
            return nightmare

        it('should access to the tickets index by clicking the tickets button', async () => {
            const url = await nightmare


        it('should search for the ticket with id 1', async () => {
            const result = await nightmare
                .type(selectors.ticketsIndex.searchTicketInput, 'id:1')
                .waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.ticketsIndex.searchResult, 1)


        it(`should click on the search result to access to the ticket expeditions`, async () => {
            const url = await nightmare
                .waitForTextInElement(selectors.ticketsIndex.searchResult, '1')


        it(`should delete a former expedition and confirm the remaining expedition are the expected ones`, async () => {
            const result = await nightmare
