const UserError = require('vn-loopback/util/user-error'); module.exports = Self => { Self.remoteMethodCtx('addTimeEntry', { description: 'Adds a new hour registry', accessType: 'WRITE', accepts: [{ arg: 'id', type: 'number', description: 'The worker id', http: {source: 'path'} }, { arg: 'timed', type: 'date', required: true }, { arg: 'direction', type: 'string', required: true }], returns: [{ type: 'Object', root: true }], http: { path: `/:id/addTimeEntry`, verb: 'POST' } }); Self.addTimeEntry = async(ctx, workerId, options) => { const models =; const args = ctx.args; const currentUserId = ctx.req.accessToken.userId; const myOptions = {}; if (typeof options == 'object') Object.assign(myOptions, options); const isSubordinate = await models.Worker.isSubordinate(ctx, workerId, myOptions); const isTeamBoss = await models.Account.hasRole(currentUserId, 'teamBoss', myOptions); const isHimself = currentUserId == workerId; if (isSubordinate === false || (isSubordinate && isHimself && !isTeamBoss)) throw new UserError(`You don't have enough privileges`); const minTime = new Date(args.timed); minTime.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); query = `SELECT * FROM vn.workerLabour WHERE workerFk = ? AND (ended >= ? OR ended IS NULL);`; const [workerLabour] = await Self.rawSql(query, [workerId, minTime]); const absence = await models.Calendar.findOne({ where: { businessFk: workerLabour.businessFk, dated: minTime } }); if (absence) { const absenceType = await models.AbsenceType.findById(absence.dayOffTypeFk, null, myOptions); const isNotHalfAbsence = absenceType.code != 'halfHoliday' && absenceType.code != 'halfPaidLeave' && absenceType.code != 'halfFurlough'; if (isNotHalfAbsence) throw new UserError(`The worker has a marked absence that day`); } return models.WorkerTimeControl.create({ userFk: workerId, direction: args.direction, timed: args.timed, manual: true }, myOptions); }; };