code: vn-database versionSchema: util replace: true sumViews: false defaultDefiner: vn@localhost mockDate: '2001-01-01 12:00:00' subdir: db schemas: - account - bi - bs - cache - dipole - edi - floranet - hedera - pbx - psico - sage - salix - srt - stock - tmp - util - vn - vn2008 privileges: where: >- `Host` = '' AND `User` NOT LIKE '$%' AND `User` <> 'any' fixtures: util: - version - versionLog account: - role - roleInherit - userPassword - accountConfig - mailConfig salix: - ACL - fieldAcl - module - defaultViewMultiConfig vn: - alertLevel - bookingPlanner - businessType - companyI18n - cplusRectificationType - cplusSubjectOp - cplusTaxBreak - claimResponsible - claimReason - claimRedelivery - claimResult - component - componentType - continent - department - docuware - itemPackingType - pgc - sample - siiTrascendencyInvoiceIn - siiTypeInvoiceIn - siiTypeInvoiceOut - state - ticketUpdateAction - ticketCanAdvanceConfig - volumeConfig - workerActivityType - workCenter - workerTimeControlError cache: - cache hedera: - browser - imageCollection - imageCollectionSize - language - link - location - menu - message - metatag - newsTag - restPriv - social - tpvError - tpvResponse sage: - TiposIva - TiposTransacciones - TiposRetencion - taxType localFixtures: account: - account - mailAlias - mailAliasAccount - mailForward - roleConfig - user - userConfig bs: - clientAnnualConsumption - clientNewBorn - defaulter - sale - waste cache: - cache_calc hedera: - config - image - imageConfig - news - order - orderConfig - orderRow - orderRowComponent - tpvConfig - tpvMerchant - tpvMerchantEnable - tpvTransaction - userSession - visit - visitAccess - visitAgent - visitUser pbx: - sip salix: - AccessToken - accessTokenConfig - printConfig - url util: - config - notification - notificationAcl - notificationConfig - notificationQueue - notificationSubscription vn: - absenceType - accounting - accountingConfig - accountingType - address - addressObservation - agency - agencyMode - autonomy - awb - bankEntity - beach - bionicConfig - business - businessReasonEnd - buy - buyConfig - calendar - calendarHolidays - calendarHolidaysName - calendarHolidaysType - calendarType - campaign - chat - chatConfig - claim - claimBeginning - claimConfig - claimDestination - claimDevelopment - claimDms - claimEnd - claimLog - claimObservation - claimRatio - claimState - client - clientConfig - clientContact - clientCredit - roleCreditLimit - clientDms - clientManaCache - clientObservation - clientRisk - clientSample - clientType - cmr - cmrConfig - collection - collectionColors - company - companyGroup - config - contactChannel - country - cplusTerIdNif - creditClassification - creditInsurance - currency - customsAgent - deliveryMethod - deliveryPoint - device - deviceProduction - deviceProductionModels - deviceProductionState - deviceProductionUser - disabilityGrade - dms - dmsType - docuwareConfig - dua - duaInvoiceIn - educationLevel - entry - entryConfig - expedition - expeditionBoxVol - expeditionPallet - expeditionScan - expeditionState - expeditionStateType - roadmapStop - expense - genus - greuge - greugeConfig - greugeType - host - incoterms - ink - intrastat - invoiceIn - invoiceInConfig - invoiceInDueDay - invoiceInIntrastat - invoiceInSerial - invoiceInTax - invoiceOut - invoiceOutConfig - invoiceOutExpense - invoiceOutSerial - invoiceOutTax - item - itemBarcode - itemBotanical - itemCategory - itemConfig - itemCost - itemFamily - itemLog - itemShelving - itemShelvingSale - itemTag - itemTaxCountry - itemType - itemTypeTag - machine - machineWorker - mail - mandate - mandateType - mdbApp - mdbBranch - mdbVersion - medicalCenter - mobileAppVersionControl - observationType - occupationCode - operator - orderTicket - origin - osTicketConfig - packaging - packagingConfig - packingSite - packingSiteConfig - parking - payDem - payDemDetail - payMethod - payrollCategories - payrollWorker - postCode - priceFixed - printer - producer - productionConfig - professionalCategory - profileType - province - queuePriority - rate - rateConfig - receipt - recovery - report - roadmap - route - routeConfig - routeRecalc - routesMonitor - sale - saleCloned - saleComponent - saleGroup - saleGroupDetail - saleTracking - sector - sectorCollection - sectorCollectionSaleGroup - shelving - smsConfig - specie - split - supplier - supplierAccount - supplierActivity - supplierAddress - supplierAgencyTerm - supplierContact - tablet - tabletDepartment - tag - taxArea - taxClass - taxClassCode - taxCode - taxType - temperature - thermograph - ticket - ticketCollection - ticketConfig - ticketDms - ticketLastState - ticketLog - ticketObservation - ticketPackaging - ticketRecalc - ticketRefund - ticketRequest - ticketService - ticketServiceType - ticketTracking - ticketWeekly - town - train - trainingCenter - trainingCourseType - travel - travelConfig - travelRecalc - travelThermograph - userMultiConfig - vehicle - wagonConfig - wagonType - wagonTypeColor - wagonTypeTray - warehouse - warehouseAlias - workCenterHoliday - worker - workerBosses - workerBusinessType - workerConfig - workerDms - workerLog - workerMana - workerManaExcluded - workerTimeControl - workerTimeControlConfig - workerTimeControlMail - zone - zoneAgencyMode - zoneClosure - zoneConfig - zoneEvent - zoneExclusion - zoneExclusionGeo - zoneGeo - zoneIncluded - zoneWarehouse