import ngModule from '../module'; import Section from 'salix/components/section'; class Controller extends Section { onDialogAccept(id) { return this.$http.delete(`Expeditions/${id}`) .then(() => this.$.model.refresh()); } showLog(expedition) { this.expedition = expedition; this.$; } get checked() { const rows = this.$ || []; const checkedRows = []; for (let row of rows) { if (row.checked) checkedRows.push(row); } return checkedRows; } get totalChecked() { return this.checked.length; } async onRemove() { const params = []; for (let expedition of this.checked) params.push(; for (let id of params) { await this.$http.delete(`Expeditions/${id}`) .then(() => { this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Expedition removed')); this.$state.reload(); }); } } createTicket(routeFk) { const tomorrow = new Date(); const params = { clientId: this.ticket.clientFk, landed: tomorrow.getDay() + 1, addressId: this.ticket.addressFk, agencyModeId: this.ticket.agencyModeFk, warehouseId: this.ticket.warehouseFk }; const query = `Tickets/new`; this.$, params).then(res => { if (routeFk) this.$http.patch(`Tickets/${}`, {routeFk: routeFk}); this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Data saved!')); this.$state.go('ticket.card.summary', {id:}); }); } } ngModule.vnComponent('vnTicketExpedition', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller, bindings: { ticket: '<', }, });