reportName: sign-pda deliveryNote: Sign PDA proforma: Proforma withoutPrices: Sign PDA clientId: Client deliveryAddress: Delivery address fiscalData: Fiscal data saleLines: Line items date: Date reference: Ref. quantity: Qty. concept: Concept price: PSP/u discount: Disc. vat: VAT amount: Amount total: Total subtotal: Subtotal vatType: VAT Type digitalSignature: Digital signature plantPassport: Plant passport packages: Packages services: title: Services theader: quantity: Qty. concept: Concept price: PSP/u vat: VAT amount: Amount tfoot: subtotal: Subtotal warning: Deposit packaging will be invoiced if they have not been returned after 30 days of their delivery. packagings: title: Buckets and packaging theader: reference: Reference quantity: Quantity concept: Concept taxes: title: Tax breakdown theader: type: Type taxBase: Tax base tax: Tax fee: Fee tfoot: subtotal: Subtotal total: Total observations: Observations