import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js'; import getBrowser from '../../helpers/puppeteer'; describe('Client summary path', () => { let browser; let page; beforeAll(async() => { browser = await getBrowser(); page =; await page.loginAndModule('employee', 'client'); await page.accessToSearchResult('Petter Parker'); }); afterAll(async() => { await browser.close(); }); it('should reach the first route summary section', async() => { let url = await page.expectURL('#!/client/102/summary'); expect(url).toBe(true); }); it('should display details from the client on the header', async() => { await page.waitForTextInElement(selectors.clientSummary.header, 'Petter Parker'); const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientSummary.header, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('Petter Parker'); }); it('should display some basic data', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain(''); }); it('should display fiscal address details', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientSummary.street, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('20 Ingram Street'); }); it('should display some fiscal data', async() => { await page.waitForClassPresent(selectors.clientSummary.verifiedData, 'checked'); const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientSummary.verifiedData, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('Verified data'); }); it('should display pay method details', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientSummary.payMethod, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('PayMethod five'); }); it('should display default address details', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientSummary.defaultAdressName, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('Petter Parker'); }); it('should display web access details', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientSummary.userName, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('PetterParker'); }); it('should display business data', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientSummary.rate, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('%'); }); it('should display financial information', async() => { const result = await page.waitToGetProperty(, 'innerText'); expect(result).toContain('€300.00'); }); });