import {validator} from 'vendor'; export const validators = { presence: function(value, conf) { if (validator.isEmpty(value)) throw new Error(`Value can't be empty`); }, absence: function(value, conf) { if (!validator.isEmpty(value)) throw new Error(`Value should be empty`); }, length: function(value, conf) { let options = { min: conf.min ||, max: conf.max || }; if (!validator.isLength(value, options)) { if ( || conf.min === conf.max) throw new Error(`Value should be ${} characters long`); else if (conf.min !== conf.max) throw new Error(`Value should have a length between ${conf.min} and ${conf.max}`); else if (conf.min) throw new Error(`Value should have at least ${conf.min} characters`); else throw new Error(`Value should have at most ${conf.min} characters`); } }, numericality: function(value, conf) { if ( { if (!validator.isInt(value)) throw new Error(`Value should be integer`); } else if (!validator.isNumeric(value)) throw new Error(`Value should be a number`); }, inclusion: function(value, conf) { if (!validator.isIn(value, throw new Error(`Invalid value`); }, exclusion: function(value, conf) { if (validator.isIn(value, throw new Error(`Invalid value`); }, format: function(value, conf) { if (!validator.matches(value, conf.with)) throw new Error(`Invalid value`); }, custom: function(value, conf) { let valid = true; function err(kind) { valid = false; } let inst = {attr: value};, err); if (!valid) throw new Error(`Invalid value`); }, uniqueness: function() { // TODO: Implement me } }; /** * Checks if value satisfies a set of validations. * * @param {*} value The value * @param {Array} validations Array with validations */ export function validateAll(value, validations) { for (let conf of validations) validate(value, conf); } /** * Checks if value satisfies a validation. * * @param {*} value The value * @param {Object} conf The validation configuration */ export function validate(value, conf) { let validator = validators[conf.validation]; try { checkNull(value, conf); if (validator && value != null) validator(value, conf); } catch (e) { let message = conf.message ? conf.message : e.message; throw new Error(message); } } /** * Checks if value satisfies a not null validation. * * @param {*} value The value * @param {Object} conf The validation configuration */ export function checkNull(value, conf) { if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === '') { if (!conf.allowBlank) throw new Error(`Value can't be blank`); } else if (value === null && !conf.allowNull) throw new Error(`Value can't be null`); }