const app = require(`${servicesDir}/client/server/server`); describe('Client crud', () => { afterAll(async() => { await app.models.ClientContact.destroyById(4113); }); it('should perfom a query to create new contacts', async() => { let data = { delete: [], create: [ {id: 4113, clientFk: 101, name: 'My contact', phone: '111111111'} ], update: [] }; await app.models.ClientContact.crud(data); let contacts = await app.models.ClientContact.find(); expect(contacts.length).toEqual(5); }); it('should perfom a query to update contacts', async() => { let data = { delete: [], create: [], update: [ {id: 4113, name: 'My contact 2 updated', phone: '222222222'} ] }; await app.models.ClientContact.crud(data); let contacts = await app.models.ClientContact.findById(4113); expect('My contact 2 updated'); expect('222222222'); }); it('should perfom a query to delete contacts', async() => { let data = { delete: [4113], create: [], update: [] }; await app.models.ClientContact.crud(data); let contacts = await app.models.ClientContact.find(); expect(contacts.length).toEqual(4); }); });