import ngModule from '../../module'; import Component from '../../lib/component'; import './style.scss'; /** * Flat calendar. * * @property {Array} data Array of events * @property {Function} hasEvents Determines if an events exists for a day * @property {Function} getClass Class to apply to specific day */ export default class Calendar extends Component { constructor($element, $scope) { super($element, $scope); = []; this.defaultDate = new Date(); this.displayControls = true; this.disabled = false; this.skip = 1; this.window.addEventListener('resize', () => { this.checkSize(); }); } /** * Resizes the calendar * based on component height */ checkSize() { const height = this.$element[0].clientHeight; if (height < 530) this.$element.addClass('small'); else this.$element.removeClass('small'); } /** * Returns the initial date * * @return {Date} - Default date */ get defaultDate() { return this._defaultDate; } /** * Sets a new initial date * * @param {Date} value - New default date */ set defaultDate(value) { if (value) { value = new Date(value); value.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); value.setDate(1); } this._defaultDate = value; this.repaint(); } /** * Sets events * * @param {Array} value - Array of events * @param {Date} event.dated - Day to add event * @param {String} - Tooltip description * @param {String} event.className - ClassName style * @param {Object} - Style properties */ set data(value) { if (!value) return; = []; value.forEach(event => { event.dated = new Date(event.dated); event.dated.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);; }); if (this.defaultDate) { this.repaint(); this.checkSize(); } } /** * Gets current month date */ get currentMonth() { return this.defaultDate; } /** * Gets next month date * * @return {Date} */ get nextMonth() { const newDate = new Date(this.currentMonth); newDate.setMonth(this.currentMonth.getMonth() + 1); return newDate; } /** * Gets previous month date * * @return {Date} */ get previousMonth() { const newDate = new Date(this.currentMonth); newDate.setMonth(this.currentMonth.getMonth() - 1); return newDate; } /** * Returns first day of month from a given date * * @param {Date} date - Origin date * @return {Integer} */ firstDay(date) { const newDate = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1); return newDate; } /** * Returns last day of month from a given date * * @param {Date} date - Origin date * @return {Integer} */ lastDay(date) { const newDate = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0); return newDate; } repaint() { const firstWeekday = this.firstDay(this.currentMonth).getDay(); const previousLastDay = this.lastDay(this.previousMonth).getDate(); const currentLastDay = this.lastDay(this.currentMonth).getDate(); const maxFields = 42; // Max field limit let weekdayOffset = firstWeekday > 0 ? firstWeekday : 7; let dayPrevious = previousLastDay - (weekdayOffset - 2); let dayCurrent = 1; let dayNext = 1; this.days = []; for (let fieldIndex = 1; fieldIndex < maxFields; fieldIndex++) { // Insert previous month days if (fieldIndex < weekdayOffset) { const dated = new Date( this.previousMonth.getFullYear(), this.previousMonth.getMonth(), dayPrevious); this.insertDay(dated, 'gray'); dayPrevious++; } // Insert current month days if (fieldIndex >= weekdayOffset && dayCurrent <= currentLastDay) { const dated = new Date( this.currentMonth.getFullYear(), this.currentMonth.getMonth(), dayCurrent); this.insertDay(dated); dayCurrent++; } // Insert next month days if (fieldIndex >= weekdayOffset && dayCurrent > currentLastDay) { const dated = new Date( this.nextMonth.getFullYear(), this.nextMonth.getMonth(), dayNext); this.insertDay(dated, 'gray'); dayNext++; } } } /** * Inserts a date on an array of month days * * @param {Date} dated - Date of month * @param {String} className - Default class style */ insertDay(dated) { let events = => { return event.dated >= dated && event.dated <= dated; }); const params = {dated: dated, events: events /**/, style: {}}; const isSaturday = dated.getDay() === 6; const isSunday = dated.getDay() === 0; const isCurrentMonth = dated.getMonth() === this.currentMonth.getMonth(); const hasEvents = events.length > 0; if (isCurrentMonth && isSunday && !hasEvents) = {color: '#999'}; if (isCurrentMonth && isSaturday && !hasEvents) = {color: '#999'}; if (!isCurrentMonth) = {opacity: '0.5'}; if (events.length > 0) { const eventStyle = events[0].style; const eventName = events[0].description || events[0].name; if (eventStyle) Object.assign(, eventStyle); if (eventName) params.eventName = eventName; } this.days.push(params); } /** * Moves to next month(s) * * @param {Integer} skip - Months to skip at once */ moveNext(skip = 1) { let next = this.defaultDate.getMonth() + skip; this.defaultDate.setMonth(next); this.repaint(); this.emit('moveNext'); } /** * Moves to previous month(s) * * @param {Integer} skip - Months to skip at once */ movePrevious(skip = 1) { let previous = this.defaultDate.getMonth() - skip; this.defaultDate.setMonth(previous); this.repaint(); this.emit('movePrevious'); } /** * Day selection event * * @param {Integer} index - Index from days array */ select(index) { if (this.disabled) return; let day = this.days[index].dated; this.emit('selection', { $days: [day], $type: 'day' }); } /** * WeekDay selection event * * @param {Integer} weekday - weekday index */ selectAll(weekday) { if (this.disabled) return; let days = []; for (let i in this.days) { const day = this.days[i].dated; if (day.getDay() === weekday && day.getMonth() == this.defaultDate.getMonth()) days.push(day); } this.emit('selection', { $days: days, $type: 'weekday', $weekday: weekday }); } renderStyle(style) { const normalizedStyle = {}; if (style) { const properties = Object.keys(style); properties.forEach(attribute => { const attrName = attribute.split(/(?=[A-Z])/). join('-').toLowerCase(); normalizedStyle[attrName] = style[attribute]; }); } return normalizedStyle; } hasEvents() { return false; } getClass() { return ''; } } Calendar.$inject = ['$element', '$scope']; ngModule.component('vnCalendar', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Calendar, bindings: { model: '<', data: '