import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js'; import createNightmare from '../../helpers/nightmare'; describe('Client Add notes path', () => { const nightmare = createNightmare(); beforeAll(() => { nightmare .loginAndModule('employee', 'client') .accessToSearchResult('Bruce Banner') .accessToSection('client.card.note.index'); }); it(`should click on the add note button`, async() => { const url = await nightmare .waitToClick(selectors.clientNotes.addNoteFloatButton) .waitForURL('/note/create') .parsedUrl(); expect(url.hash).toContain('/note/create'); }); it(`should create a note`, async() => { const result = await nightmare .type(selectors.clientNotes.noteInput, 'Meeting with Black Widow 21st 9am') .click(selectors.clientNotes.saveButton) .waitForLastSnackbar(); expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!'); }); it('should confirm the note was created', async() => { const result = await nightmare .waitToGetProperty(selectors.clientNotes.firstNoteText, 'innerText'); expect(result).toEqual('Meeting with Black Widow 21st 9am'); }); });