const Component = require(`vn-print/core/component`); const Report = require(`vn-print/core/report`); const reportBody = new Component('report-body'); const reportHeader = new Component('report-header'); const reportFooter = new Component('report-footer'); const invoiceIncoterms = new Report('invoice-incoterms'); module.exports = { name: 'invoice', async serverPrefetch() { this.invoice = await this.fetchInvoice(this.reference); this.client = await this.fetchClient(this.reference); this.taxes = await this.fetchTaxes(this.reference); this.intrastat = await this.fetchIntrastat(this.reference); this.rectified = await this.fetchRectified(this.reference); this.hasIncoterms = await this.fetchHasIncoterms(this.reference); const tickets = await this.fetchTickets(this.reference); const sales = await this.fetchSales(this.reference); const map = new Map(); for (let ticket of tickets) { ticket.sales = []; map.set(, ticket); } for (let sale of sales) { const ticket = map.get(sale.ticketFk); if (ticket) ticket.sales.push(sale); } = tickets; if (!this.invoice) throw new Error('Something went wrong'); }, data() { return {totalBalance: 0.00}; }, computed: { ticketsId() { const tickets = =>; return tickets.join(', '); }, botanical() { let phytosanitary = []; for (let ticket of { for (let sale of ticket.sales) { if (sale.botanical) phytosanitary.push(sale.botanical); } } return phytosanitary.filter((item, index) => phytosanitary.indexOf(item) == index ).join(', '); }, taxTotal() { const base = this.sumTotal(this.taxes, 'base'); const vat = this.sumTotal(this.taxes, 'vat'); return base + vat; } }, methods: { fetchInvoice(reference) { return this.findOneFromDef('invoice', [reference]); }, fetchClient(reference) { return this.findOneFromDef('client', [reference]); }, fetchTickets(reference) { return this.rawSqlFromDef('tickets', [reference]); }, fetchSales(reference) { return this.rawSqlFromDef('sales', [reference, reference]); }, fetchTaxes(reference) { return this.rawSqlFromDef(`taxes`, [reference]); }, fetchIntrastat(reference) { return this.rawSqlFromDef(`intrastat`, [reference, reference]); }, fetchRectified(reference) { return this.rawSqlFromDef(`rectified`, [reference]); }, fetchHasIncoterms(reference) { return this.findValueFromDef(`hasIncoterms`, [reference]); }, saleImport(sale) { const price = sale.quantity * sale.price; return price * (1 - / 100); }, ticketSubtotal(ticket) { let subTotal = 0.00; for (let sale of ticket.sales) subTotal += this.saleImport(sale); return subTotal; }, sumTotal(rows, prop) { let total = 0.00; for (let row of rows) total += parseFloat(row[prop]); return total; } }, components: { 'report-body':, 'report-header':, 'report-footer':, 'invoice-incoterms': }, props: { reference: { type: String, description: 'The invoice ref' } } };