import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors'; import createNightmare from '../../helpers/helpers'; describe('create client path', () => { let nightmare = createNightmare(); it('should access to the clients index by clicking the clients button', () => { return nightmare .click(selectors.moduleAccessView.clientsSectionButton) .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.createClientButton) .parsedUrl() .then(url => { expect(url.hash).toEqual('#!/clients'); }); }); it(`should search for the user Carol Danvers to confirm it isn't created yet`, () => { return nightmare .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult) .type(selectors.clientsIndex.searchClientInput, 'Carol Danvers') .click(selectors.clientsIndex.searchButton) .waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 0) .countSearchResults(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult) .then(result => { expect(result).toEqual(0); }); }); it('should access to the create client view by clicking the create-client floating button', () => { return nightmare .click(selectors.clientsIndex.createClientButton) .wait(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .parsedUrl() .then(url => { expect(url.hash).toEqual('#!/create'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty', () => { return nightmare .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toEqual('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty but name', () => { return nightmare .type(, 'Carol Danvers') .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toContain('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty but Tax Number', () => { return nightmare .clearInput( .type(selectors.createClientView.taxNumber, 'AVG tax') .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toContain('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty but Business Name', () => { return nightmare .clearInput(selectors.createClientView.taxNumber) .type(selectors.createClientView.socialName, 'Avengers team') .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toContain('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty but User Name', () => { return nightmare .clearInput(selectors.createClientView.socialName) .type(selectors.createClientView.userName, 'CaptainMarvel') .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toContain('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty but email while email have incorrect format', () => { return nightmare .clearInput(selectors.createClientView.userName) .type(, 'I will save the Avengers!') .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toEqual('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty but email', () => { return nightmare .clearInput( .type(, '') .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toContain('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it('should receive an error when clicking the create button having all the form fields empty but sales person', () => { return nightmare .waitToClick(selectors.createClientView.salesPersonInput) .waitToClick(selectors.createClientView.salesBruceBannerOption) .wait(200) .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toContain('Some fields are invalid'); }); }); it(`should create a new user with all it's data`, () => { return nightmare .wait( .clearInput( .type(, 'Carol Danvers') .type(selectors.createClientView.taxNumber, 'Avengers Tax Number') .type(selectors.createClientView.socialName, 'AVG tax') .type(selectors.createClientView.userName, 'CaptainMarvel') .type(, '') .click(selectors.createClientView.createButton) .waitForSnackbar() .then(result => { expect(result).toContain('Data saved!'); }); }); it('should click on the Clients button of the top bar menu', () => { return nightmare .waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.applicationsMenuButton) .wait(selectors.globalItems.applicationsMenuVisible) .waitToClick(selectors.globalItems.clientsButton) .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.createClientButton) .parsedUrl() .then(url => { expect(url.hash).toEqual('#!/clients'); }); }); it(`should search for the user Carol Danvers to confirm it exists`, () => { return nightmare .wait(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult) .type(selectors.clientsIndex.searchClientInput, 'Carol Danvers') .click(selectors.clientsIndex.searchButton) .waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 1) .countSearchResults(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult) .then(result => { expect(result).toEqual(1); }); }); });