const db = require('../core/database'); const Email = require('../core/email'); const smtp = require('../core/smtp'); const config = require('../core/config'); module.exports = app => { app.get('/api/closure/by-ticket', async function(req, res) { }); app.get('/api/closure/all', async function(req, res) { res.status(200).json({ message: 'Task executed successfully' }); const failedtickets = []; const tickets = await db.rawSql(` SELECT, t.clientFk, recipient, c.isToBeMailed, c.salesPersonFk, salesPersonEmail FROM expedition e JOIN ticket t ON = e.ticketFk JOIN client c ON = t.clientFk JOIN warehouse wh ON = t.warehouseFk AND wh.hasComission JOIN ticketState ts ON ts.ticketFk = JOIN alertLevel al ON al.alertLevel = ts.alertLevel LEFT JOIN account.emailUser eu ON eu.userFk = c.salesPersonFk WHERE al.code = 'PACKED' AND DATE(t.shipped) BETWEEN DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -2 DAY) AND CURDATE() AND t.refFk IS NULL GROUP BY e.ticketFk`); for (const ticket of tickets) { try { await db.rawSql(`CALL vn.ticket_closeByTicket(:ticketId)`, { ticketId: }); if (!ticket.salesPersonFk || !ticket.isToBeMailed) continue; if (!ticket.recipient) { const body = `No se ha podido enviar el albarán ${} al cliente ${ticket.clientFk} porque no tiene un email especificado.

Para dejar de recibir esta notificación, asígnale un email o desactiva la notificación por email para este cliente.`; smtp.send({ to: ticket.salesPersonEmail, subject: 'No se ha podido enviar el albarán', html: body }); continue; } const reqArgs = req.args; const args = Object.assign({ ticketId:, recipientId: ticket.clientFk, recipient: ticket.recipient }, reqArgs); const email = new Email('delivery-note-link', args); await email.send(); } catch (error) { // Save tickets on a list of failed ids failedtickets.push({ id:, stacktrace: error }); } } // Send email with failed tickets if (failedtickets.length > 0) { let body = 'This following tickets have failed:

'; for (ticket of failedtickets) { body += `Ticket: ${}

`; } smtp.send({ to:, subject: '[API] Nightly ticket closure report', html: body }); } }); };