import ngModule from '../module'; import Section from 'salix/components/section'; import UserError from 'core/lib/user-error'; import './style.scss'; class Controller extends Section { constructor($element, $, $transclude) { super($element, $, $transclude); this.invoice = { maxShipped: new Date(), companyFk: this.vnConfig.companyFk }; this.clientsNumber = 'allClients'; } $onInit() { this.getMinClientId(); this.getMaxClientId(); } getMinClientId() { this.getClientId('min') .then(res => this.invoice.fromClientId =; } getMaxClientId() { this.getClientId('max') .then(res => this.invoice.toClientId =; } getClientId(func) { const order = func == 'min' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; const params = { filter: { order: 'id ' + order, limit: 1 } }; return this.$http.get('Clients/findOne', {params}); } restartValues() { this.$.invoiceButton.disabled = false; } cancelRequest() { this.canceler = this.$q.defer(); return {timeout: this.canceler.promise}; } invoiceOut(invoice, clientsAndAddresses) { const [clientAndAddress] = clientsAndAddresses; if (!clientAndAddress) return; const params = { clientId: clientAndAddress.clientId, addressId: clientAndAddress.addressId, invoiceDate: invoice.invoiceDate, maxShipped: invoice.maxShipped, companyFk: invoice.companyFk, minShipped: invoice.minShipped, }; this.$http.get(`Addresses/${clientAndAddress.addressId}`) .then(res => { this.address =; this.$.data.push({ id: clientAndAddress.clientId, address: this.address, status: 'waiting' }); const index = this.$.data.findIndex( client => == clientAndAddress.clientId && == clientAndAddress.addressId ); return this.$`InvoiceOuts/invoiceClient`, params) .then(() => { this.$.data[index].status = 'ok'; }).catch(res => { this.$.data[index].status = 'error'; this.$.data[index].error =; }).finally(() => { clientsAndAddresses.shift(); return this.invoiceOut(invoice, clientsAndAddresses); }); }); } makeInvoice() { try { if (!this.invoice.invoiceDate || !this.invoice.maxShipped) throw new Error('Invoice date and the max date should be filled'); if (!this.invoice.fromClientId || !this.invoice.toClientId) throw new Error('Choose a valid clients range'); this.$.invoiceButton.disabled = true; this.$.data = []; this.packageInvoicing = true; this.$`InvoiceOuts/clientsToInvoice`, this.invoice) .then(res => { this.packageInvoicing = false; const invoice =; const clientsAndAddresses =; if (!clientsAndAddresses.length) throw new UserError(`There aren't clients to invoice`); return this.invoiceOut(invoice, clientsAndAddresses); }) .then(() => this.vnApp.showSuccess(this.$t('Data saved!'))) .finally(() => this.restartValues()); } catch (e) { this.vnApp.showError(this.$t(e.message)); this.restartValues(); return false; } } clean() { this.$.data = this.$.data.filter(client => client.status == 'error'); } } Controller.$inject = ['$element', '$scope', '$transclude']; ngModule.vnComponent('vnInvoiceOutGlobalInvoicing', { template: require('./index.html'), controller: Controller });