In: Entrada
Out: Salida
Intermediate: Intermedio
Hour: Hora
Hours: Horas
Add time: Añadir hora
Week total: Total semana
Current week: Semana actual
This time entry will be deleted: Se eliminará la hora fichada
Are you sure you want to delete this entry?: ¿Seguro que quieres eliminarla?
Finish at: Termina a las
Entry removed: Fichada borrada
The entry type can't be empty: El tipo de fichada no puede quedar vacía
Satisfied: Conforme
Not satisfied: No conforme
Reason: Motivo
Resend: Reenviar
Email sended: Email enviado
You must indicate a reason: Debes indicar un motivo
Send time control email: Enviar email control horario
Are you sure you want to send it?: ¿Seguro que quieres enviarlo?
Resend email of this week to the user: Reenviar email de esta semana al usuario