import './multi-check.js'; import crudModel from 'core/mocks/crud-model'; describe('Component vnMultiCheck', () => { let controller; let $element; let $httpBackend; let $httpParamSerializer; beforeEach(ngModule('vnCore')); beforeEach(inject(($componentController, _$httpBackend_, _$httpParamSerializer_) => { $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; $httpParamSerializer = _$httpParamSerializer_; $element = angular.element(`<div class="shown"></div>`); controller = $componentController('vnMultiCheck', {$element: $element}); controller._model = crudModel; = [ {id: 1, name: 'My item 1'}, {id: 2, name: 'My item 2'}, {id: 3, name: 'My item 3'} ]; })); describe('checked() setter', () => { it(`should set controller _checked property with the argument received then call toggle()`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'toggle'); controller.checked = crudModel; expect(controller._checked).toEqual(crudModel); expect(controller.toggle).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); it(`should set checkedDummyCount to null`, () => { jest.spyOn(controller, 'toggle'); controller.checkedDummyCount = 12; controller.checked = null; expect(controller.checkedDummyCount).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('toggle()', () => { it(`should set checked property inside each existing element`, () => { const data =; expect(data[0].checked).not.toBeDefined(); expect(data[1].checked).not.toBeDefined(); expect(data[2].checked).not.toBeDefined(); controller._checked = true; controller.checkAll = true; controller.toggle(); expect(data[0].checked).toBeTruthy(); expect(data[1].checked).toBeTruthy(); expect(data[2].checked).toBeTruthy(); }); it(`should unset checked property inside each existing element`, () => { const data =; data[0].checked = true; data[1].checked = true; data[2].checked = true; controller._checked = false; controller.checkAll = false; controller.toggle(); expect(data[0].checked).toBeFalsy(); expect(data[1].checked).toBeFalsy(); expect(data[2].checked).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('areAllChecked()', () => { it(`should return true if all elements are checked`, () => { const data =; data[0].checked = true; data[1].checked = true; data[2].checked = true; expect(controller.areAllChecked()).toBeTruthy(); }); it(`should return false if not all elements are checked`, () => { const data =; data[0].checked = true; data[1].checked = false; data[2].checked = true; expect(controller.areAllChecked()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('areAllUnchecked()', () => { it(`should return true if all elements are unchecked`, () => { const data =; data[0].checked = false; data[1].checked = false; data[2].checked = false; expect(controller.areAllUnchecked()).toBeTruthy(); }); it(`should return false if not all elements are unchecked`, () => { const data =; data[0].checked = false; data[1].checked = true; data[2].checked = false; expect(controller.areAllUnchecked()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('setSelection()', () => { it(`should check all elements between the index range`, () => { controller.setSelection(true, 0, 2); const data =; const firstRow = data[0]; const secondRow = data[1]; const thirdRow = data[2]; expect(firstRow.checked).toBeTruthy(); expect(secondRow.checked).toBeTruthy(); expect(thirdRow.checked).toBeTruthy(); }); it(`should uncheck all elements between the index range`, () => { const data =; const firstRow = data[0]; const secondRow = data[1]; const thirdRow = data[2]; firstRow.checked = true; secondRow.checked = true; thirdRow.checked = true; controller.setSelection(false, 0, 1); expect(firstRow.checked).toBeFalsy(); expect(secondRow.checked).toBeFalsy(); expect(thirdRow.checked).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('countRows()', () => { it(`should count visible rows and all rows of model`, () => { controller.model.url = 'modelUrl/filter'; const data =; const filter = { limit: null }; const serializedParams = $httpParamSerializer({filter}); const response = [ {id: 1, name: 'My item 1'}, {id: 2, name: 'My item 2'}, {id: 3, name: 'My item 3'}, {id: 4, name: 'My item 4'}, {id: 5, name: 'My item 5'}, {id: 6, name: 'My item 6'} ]; controller.countRows(); $httpBackend.expectGET(`modelUrl/filter?${serializedParams}`).respond(response); $httpBackend.flush(); expect(controller.rows).toEqual(data.length); expect(controller.allRowsCount).toEqual(response.length); expect(controller.allRowsCount).toBeGreaterThan(controller.rows); }); }); describe('checkDummy()', () => { const allRows = 1234; it(`should set the checked dummy count to all rows count if there was no count yet`, () => { controller.checkedDummyCount = null; controller.allRowsCount = allRows; controller.checkDummy(); expect(controller.checkedDummyCount).toEqual(controller.allRowsCount); }); it(`should remove the dummy count if there was an existing one`, () => { controller.checkedDummyCount = allRows; controller.checkDummy(); expect(controller.checkedDummyCount).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('isCheckedDummy()', () => { it(`should return true only if is checked and checked dummy is enabled`, () => { controller.checked = true; controller.checkDummyEnabled = true; const isCheckedDummy = controller.isCheckedDummy(); expect(isCheckedDummy).toEqual(true); }); it(`should return false if not checked`, () => { controller.checked = false; controller.checkDummyEnabled = true; const isCheckedDummy = controller.isCheckedDummy(); expect(isCheckedDummy).toEqual(false); }); it(`should return false if checked dummy is disabled`, () => { controller.checked = true; controller.checkDummyEnabled = false; const isCheckedDummy = controller.isCheckedDummy(); expect(isCheckedDummy).toEqual(false); }); }); });