import {validate} from '../validator.js'; describe('Validator', () => { let $translate; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('vnCore', $translateProvider => { $translateProvider.translations('en', {}); })); beforeEach(inject(_$translate_ => { $translate = _$translate_; })); describe('presence', () => { let conf = {validation: 'presence'}; it('should not validate the value as it should be defined', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, '', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should be defined', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'aDefinedValue', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); }); describe('absence', () => { let conf = {validation: 'absence'}; it('should not validate the value as it should be undefined', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'aDefinedValue', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should be undefined', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, '', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); }); describe('length', () => { it('should not validate the value as it should have an specific valid length', () => { let conf = { validation: 'length', is: 25 }; expect(() => { validate($translate, 'invalidSpecificLengthString', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should have an specific valid length', () => { let conf = { validation: 'length', is: 25 }; expect(() => { validate($translate, 'validSpecificLengthString', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); it('should not validate the value as it should have a min length', () => { let conf = { validation: 'length', min: 10 }; expect(() => { validate($translate, 'shortName', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should have a min length', () => { let conf = { validation: 'length', min: 10 }; expect(() => { validate($translate, 'veryLongName', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); it('should not validate the value as it should be smaller than the maximum', () => { let conf = { validation: 'length', max: 20 }; expect(() => { validate($translate, 'chainThatExceedsMaxLength', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should be smaller than the maximum', () => { let conf = { validation: 'length', max: 20 }; expect(() => { validate($translate, 'shortString', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); }); describe('numericality', () => { let conf = {validation: 'numericality'}; it('should not validate the value as it should be an integer', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'notANumber', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should be an integer', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, '123456789', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); }); describe('inclusion', () => { let conf = { validation: 'inclusion', in: ['firstValue', 'seekValue', 'lastValue'] }; it('should not validate the value as it should be in array', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'notIncludedValue', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should be in array', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'seekValue', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); }); describe('exclusion', () => { let conf = { validation: 'exclusion', in: ['firstValue', 'seekValue', 'lastValue'] }; it('should not validate the value as it should not be in array', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'seekValue', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should not be in array', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'notIncludedValue', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); }); describe('format', () => { let conf = { validation: 'format', with: /[a-z-]+@[a-z-]+\.[a-z]+/ }; it('should not validate the value as it should match regexp', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, 'wrongValue', conf); }).toThrowError(); }); it('should validate the value as it should match regexp', () => { expect(() => { validate($translate, '', conf); }).not.toThrowError(); }); }); });