const Component = require(`${appPath}/core/component`); const reportHeader = new Component('report-header'); const reportFooter = new Component('report-footer'); module.exports = { name: 'supplier-campaign-metrics', async serverPrefetch() { this.supplier = await this.fetchSupplier(this.recipientId); let entries = await this.fetchEntries(this.recipientId, this.from,; const entriesId = []; for (let entry of entries) entriesId.push(; const buys = await this.fetchBuys(entriesId); const entriesMap = new Map(); for (let entry of entries) entriesMap.set(, entry); for (let buy of buys) { const entry = entriesMap.get(buy.entryFk); if (entry) { if (!entry.buys) entry.buys = []; entry.buys.push(buy); } } this.entries = entries; if (!this.supplier) throw new Error('Something went wrong'); }, methods: { fetchSupplier(supplierId) { return this.findOneFromDef('supplier', [supplierId]); }, fetchEntries(supplierId, from, to) { return this.rawSqlFromDef('entries', [supplierId, from, to]); }, fetchBuys(entriesId) { return this.rawSqlFromDef('buys', {entriesId}); } }, components: { 'report-header':, 'report-footer': }, props: { recipientId: { required: true }, from: { required: true }, to: { required: true } } };