<vn-icon-button icon="more_vert" vn-popover="menu"> </vn-icon-button> <vn-menu vn-id="menu"> <vn-list> <vn-item id="clone" ng-click="clone.show()" ng-show="::$ctrl.isBuyer" translate> Clone travel </vn-item> <vn-item id="cloneWithEntries" ng-click="cloneWithEntries.show()" ng-show="::$ctrl.isBuyer" translate> Clone travel and his entries </vn-item> <vn-item id="delete" ng-click="delete.show()" ng-show="$ctrl.isBuyer && !$ctrl.entries.length" translate> Delete travel </vn-item> <a class="vn-item" ui-sref="entry.create({travelFk: $ctrl.travel.id})" name="addEntry" translate> Add entry </a> </vn-list> </vn-menu> <!-- Clone travel popup --> <vn-confirm vn-id="clone" on-accept="$ctrl.onCloneAccept()" question="Do you want to clone this travel?" message="All it's properties will be copied"> </vn-confirm> <!-- Delete travel popup --> <vn-confirm vn-id="delete" on-accept="$ctrl.onDeleteAccept()" question="Do you want to delete this travel?" message="The travel will be deleted"> </vn-confirm> <!-- Clone travel popup --> <vn-confirm vn-id="cloneWithEntries" on-accept="$ctrl.onCloneWithEntriesAccept()" question="Do you want to clone this travel and all containing entries?" message="All it's properties will be copied"> </vn-confirm>