115 lines
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115 lines
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/* eslint max-len: ["error", { "code": 150 }]*/
import './index.js';
describe('Entry buy', () => {
let controller;
let $httpBackend;
beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(($componentController, $compile, $rootScope, _$httpParamSerializer_, _$httpBackend_) => {
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
let $element = $compile('<vn-entry-buy-index></vn-entry-buy-index')($rootScope);
controller = $componentController('vnEntryBuyIndex', {$element});
const params = _$httpParamSerializer_({filter: {limit: 20}});
$httpBackend.whenGET(`Entries//getBuys?${params}`).respond([{id: 1}]);
describe('saveBuy()', () => {
it(`should call the buys patch route if the received buy has an ID`, () => {
const buy = {id: 1, itemFk: 1, quantity: 1, packageFk: 1};
const query = `Buys/${buy.id}`;
it(`should call the entry addBuy post route if the received buy has no ID`, () => {
controller.entry = {id: 1};
const buy = {itemFk: 1, quantity: 1, packageFk: 1};
const query = `Entries/${controller.entry.id}/addBuy`;
describe('deleteBuys()', () => {
it(`should perform no queries if all buys to delete were not actual instances`, () => {
controller.buys = [
{checked: true},
{checked: true},
{checked: false}];
it(`should perform a query to delete as there's an actual instance at least`, () => {
controller.buys = [
{checked: true, id: 1},
{checked: true},
{checked: false}];
const query = 'Buys/deleteBuys';
describe('toggleGroupingMode()', () => {
it(`should toggle grouping mode from grouping to packing`, () => {
const groupingFk = 1;
const packingFk = 2;
const buy = {id: 999, groupingMode: groupingFk};
const query = `Buys/${buy.id}`;
$httpBackend.expectPATCH(query, {groupingMode: packingFk}).respond(200);
controller.toggleGroupingMode(buy, 'packing');
it(`should toggle grouping mode from packing to grouping`, () => {
const groupingFk = 1;
const packingFk = 2;
const buy = {id: 999, groupingMode: packingFk};
const query = `Buys/${buy.id}`;
$httpBackend.expectPATCH(query, {groupingMode: groupingFk}).respond(200);
controller.toggleGroupingMode(buy, 'grouping');
it(`should toggle off the grouping mode if it was packing to packing`, () => {
const noGroupingFk = 0;
const packingFk = 2;
const buy = {id: 999, groupingMode: packingFk};
const query = `Buys/${buy.id}`;
$httpBackend.expectPATCH(query, {groupingMode: noGroupingFk}).respond(200);
controller.toggleGroupingMode(buy, 'packing');
it(`should toggle off the grouping mode if it was grouping to grouping`, () => {
const noGroupingFk = 0;
const groupingFk = 1;
const buy = {id: 999, groupingMode: groupingFk};
const query = `Buys/${buy.id}`;
$httpBackend.expectPATCH(query, {groupingMode: noGroupingFk}).respond(200);
controller.toggleGroupingMode(buy, 'grouping');