58 lines
2.3 KiB
58 lines
2.3 KiB
const ParameterizedSQL = require('loopback-connector').ParameterizedSQL;
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethod('getEntries', {
description: 'Return the entries of a travel',
accessType: 'READ',
accepts: {
arg: 'id',
type: 'number',
required: true,
description: 'The travel id',
http: {source: 'path'}
returns: {
type: 'object',
root: true
http: {
path: `/:id/getEntries`,
verb: 'GET'
Self.getEntries = async id => {
let stmt;
stmt = new ParameterizedSQL(`
SELECT e.travelFk, e.id, e.isConfirmed, e.ref, e.notes, e.evaNotes AS observation,
s.name AS supplierName,
CAST((SUM(IF(p.volume > 0,p.volume,p.width * p.depth * IF(p.height, p.height, i.size + pconfig.upperGap))
* b.stickers)/1000000)/((pcc.width*pcc.depth*pcc.height)/1000000) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) cc,
CAST((SUM(IF(p.volume > 0,p.volume,p.width * p.depth * IF(p.height, p.height, i.size + pconfig.upperGap))
* b.stickers)/1000000)/((ppallet.width*ppallet.depth*ppallet.height)/1000000) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) pallet,
CAST((SUM(IF(p.volume > 0,p.volume,p.width * p.depth * IF(p.height, p.height, i.size + pconfig.upperGap))
* b.stickers)/1000000) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) m3,
TRUNCATE(SUM(b.stickers)/(COUNT( b.id) / COUNT( DISTINCT b.id)),0) hb,
CAST(SUM(b.freightValue*b.quantity) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) freightValue,
CAST(SUM(b.packageValue*b.quantity) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) packageValue
FROM vn.travel t
LEFT JOIN vn.entry e ON t.id = e.travelFk
LEFT JOIN vn.buy b ON b.entryFk = e.id
LEFT JOIN vn.supplier s ON e.supplierFk = s.id
JOIN vn.item i ON i.id = b.itemFk
LEFT JOIN vn.packaging p ON p.id = b.packageFk
JOIN vn.packaging pcc ON pcc.id = 'cc'
JOIN vn.packaging ppallet ON ppallet.id = 'pallet 100'
JOIN vn.packagingConfig pconfig
WHERE t.id = ?
GROUP BY e.id;`, [
let result = await Self.rawStmt(stmt);
return result;