524 lines
20 KiB
524 lines
20 KiB
import selectors from '../../../helpers/selectors.js';
import getBrowser from '../../../helpers/puppeteer';
// #1632 [e2e] ticket.sale - Transferir líneas
xdescribe('Ticket Edit sale path', () => {
let browser;
let page;
beforeAll(async() => {
browser = await getBrowser();
page = browser.page;
await page.loginAndModule('salesPerson', 'ticket');
await page.accessToSearchResult(16);
await page.accessToSection('ticket.card.sale');
afterAll(async() => {
await browser.close();
it(`should click on the first sale claim icon to navigate over there`, async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should navigate to the tickets index', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it(`should search for a ticket and then navigate to it's sales`, async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it(`should check the zoomed image isn't present`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should click on the thumbnail image of the 1st sale and see the zoomed image`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should click on the zoomed image to close it`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should confirm the item descriptor insnt visible yet`, async() => {
const visible = await nightmare
it(`should click on the first sale ID making the item descriptor visible`, async() => {
const visible = await nightmare
it(`should click on the descriptor image of the 1st sale and see the zoomed image`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.clickIfVisible('vn-item-descriptor img')
it(`should now click on the zoomed image to close it`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should click on the summary icon of the item-descriptor to access to the item summary`, async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should return to ticket sales section', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should try to add a higher quantity value and then receive an error', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.write(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleQuantity, '11\u000d')
expect(result).toEqual('The new quantity should be smaller than the old one');
it('should remove 1 from the first sale quantity', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.write(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleQuantity, '9\u000d')
expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');
it('should update the price', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToClick(`${selectors.ticketSales.firstSalePrice} > span`)
.write(selectors.ticketSales.firstSalePriceInput, '5\u000d')
expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');
it('should confirm the price have been updated', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToGetProperty(`${selectors.ticketSales.firstSalePrice} span`, 'innerText');
it('should confirm the total price for that item have been updated', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleImport, 'innerText');
it('should update the discount', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToClick(`${selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleDiscount} > span`)
.write(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleDiscountInput, '50\u000d')
expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');
it('should confirm the discount have been updated', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitForTextInElement(`${selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleDiscount} > span`, '50.00%')
.waitToGetProperty(`${selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleDiscount} > span`, 'innerText');
it('should confirm the total import for that item have been updated', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitForTextInElement(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleImport, '22.50')
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleImport, 'innerText');
it('should select the third sale and create a claim of it', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should click on the Claims button of the top bar menu', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should search for the claim with id 4', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.write(selectors.claimsIndex.searchClaimInput, 4)
.waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.claimsIndex.searchResult, 1)
it('should click the Tickets button of the top bar menu', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should search for a ticket then access to the sales section', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should select the third sale and delete it', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');
it(`should confirm the third sale was deleted`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it('should select the second sale and transfer it to a valid ticket', async() => {
const targetTicketId = 12;
const result = await nightmare
.write(selectors.ticketSales.transferQuantityInput, '10\u000d')
.write(selectors.ticketSales.moveToTicketInput, targetTicketId)
it('should confirm the transfered line is the correct one', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSales.secondSaleText, 'innerText');
expect(result).toContain(`Melee weapon heavy shield`);
it('should confirm the transfered quantity is the correct one', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSales.secondSaleQuantityCell, 'innerText');
it('should go back to the original ticket sales section', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it(`should confirm the original ticket has still three lines`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should confirm the second sale quantity is now half of it's original value after the transfer`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSales.secondSaleQuantityCell, 'innerText');
it('should go back to the receiver ticket sales section', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it('should transfer the sale back to the original ticket', async() => {
const targetTicketId = 16;
const result = await nightmare
.write(selectors.ticketSales.moveToTicketInput, targetTicketId)
it('should confirm the original ticket received the line', async() => {
const expectedLines = 4;
const result = await nightmare
.waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.ticketSales.saleLine, expectedLines)
it(`should throw an error when attempting to create a ticket for an inactive client`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
expect(result).toEqual(`You can't create a ticket for a inactive client`);
it('should go now to the ticket sales section of an active, not frozen client', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
it(`should select all sales, tranfer them to a new ticket and delete the sender ticket as it would've been left empty`, async() => {
const senderTicketId = 13;
const url = await nightmare
.wait((selector, ticketId) => {
return document.querySelector(selector).innerText.toLowerCase().indexOf(`${ticketId}`) == -1;
}, selectors.ticketDescriptor.idLabelValue, senderTicketId)
it('should confirm the new ticket received the line', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it('should check the first sale reserved icon isnt visible', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it('should mark the first sale as reserved', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitForClassNotPresent(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleReservedIcon, 'ng-hide')
it('should unmark the first sale as reserved', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitForClassPresent(selectors.ticketSales.firstSaleReservedIcon, 'ng-hide')
it('should update all sales discount', async() => {
const result = await nightmare
// .write(selectors.ticketSales.moreMenuUpdateDiscountInput, 100) can't find the selector on app (deleted the selector), menu option was removed?
.write('body', '\u000d')
.waitForTextInElement(selectors.ticketSales.totalImport, '0.00')
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketSales.totalImport, 'innerText');
it('should log in as Production role and go to a target ticket summary', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
.loginAndModule('production', 'ticket')
it(`should check it's state is deleted`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
.waitToGetProperty(selectors.ticketDescriptor.stateLabelValue, 'innerText');
expect(result).toEqual('State Eliminado');
describe('when state is preparation and loged as Production', () => {
it(`should not be able to edit the sale price`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should not be able to edit the sale discount`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should not be able to edit the sale state`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it('should log in as salesPerson then go to the sales of a target ticket', async() => {
const url = await nightmare
.loginAndModule('salesPerson', 'ticket')
describe('when state is preparation and loged as salesPerson', () => {
it(`shouldn't be able to edit the sale price`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should be able to edit the sale discount`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare
it(`should not be able to edit the sale state`, async() => {
const result = await nightmare