
265 lines
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const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
describe('ticket componentUpdate()', () => {
const ctx = beforeAll.getCtx(1101);
const ticketID = 11;
const today = Date.vnNew();
const tomorrow = Date.vnNew();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
let deliveryComponentId;
let firstvalueBeforeChange;
let secondvalueBeforeChange;
let componentOfSaleSeven;
let componentOfSaleEight;
let componentValue;
beforeAll(async() => {
const deliveryComponenet = await models.Component.findOne({where: {code: 'delivery'}});
deliveryComponentId =;
componentOfSaleSeven = `SELECT value
FROM vn.saleComponent
WHERE saleFk = 7 AND componentFk = ${deliveryComponentId}`;
componentOfSaleEight = `SELECT value
FROM vn.saleComponent
WHERE saleFk = 8 AND componentFk = ${deliveryComponentId}`;
[componentValue] = await models.SaleComponent.rawSql(componentOfSaleSeven);
firstvalueBeforeChange = componentValue.value;
[componentValue] = await models.SaleComponent.rawSql(componentOfSaleEight);
secondvalueBeforeChange = componentValue.value;
it('should change the agencyMode to modify the sale components value', async() => {
const tx = await models.SaleComponent.beginTransaction({});
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const args = {
id: ticketID,
clientFk: 1102,
agencyModeFk: 8,
addressFk: 122,
zoneFk: 5,
warehouseFk: 1,
companyFk: 442,
shipped: today,
landed: tomorrow,
isDeleted: false,
option: 'renewPrices',
isWithoutNegatives: false
ctx.args = args;
await models.Ticket.componentUpdate(ctx, options);
[componentValue] = await models.SaleComponent.rawSql(componentOfSaleSeven, null, options);
let firstvalueAfterChange = componentValue.value;
[componentValue] = await models.SaleComponent.rawSql(componentOfSaleEight, null, options);
let secondvalueAfterChange = componentValue.value;
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
throw e;
it('should change the addressFk and check that delivery observations have been changed', async() => {
const tx = await models.SaleComponent.beginTransaction({});
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const args = {
id: ticketID,
clientFk: 1102,
agencyModeFk: 8,
addressFk: 2,
zoneFk: 5,
warehouseFk: 1,
companyFk: 442,
shipped: today,
landed: tomorrow,
isDeleted: false,
option: 'renewPrices',
isWithoutNegatives: false
ctx.args = args;
const observationTypeDelivery = await models.ObservationType.findOne({
where: {code: 'delivery'}
}, options);
const originalTicketObservation = await models.TicketObservation.findOne({
where: {
}, options);
await models.Ticket.componentUpdate(ctx, options);
const removedTicketObservation = await models.TicketObservation.findOne({
where: {
ticketFk: ticketID,
}, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
throw e;
it('should change warehouse and without negatives', async() => {
const ctx = beforeAll.getCtx(9);
const tx = await models.SaleComponent.beginTransaction({});
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const saleToTransfer = 27;
const originDate = today;
const newDate = tomorrow;
const ticketID = 14;
newDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
originDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
const args = {
id: ticketID,
clientFk: 1104,
agencyModeFk: 2,
addressFk: 4,
zoneFk: 9,
warehouseFk: 1,
companyFk: 442,
shipped: newDate,
landed: tomorrow,
isDeleted: false,
option: 'renewPrices',
isWithoutNegatives: true
ctx.args = args;
const oldTicket = await models.Ticket.findById(ticketID, null, options);
await models.Ticket.componentUpdate(ctx, options);
const [newTicketID] = await models.Ticket.rawSql('SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM ticket', null, options);
const newTicket = await models.Ticket.findById(, null, options);
const newTicketSale = await models.Sale.findOne({where: {ticketFk:}}, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
throw e;
describe('componentUpdate() keepPrice', () => {
const ctx = beforeAll.getCtx();
it('should change shipped and keep price', async() => {
const tx = await models.Ticket.beginTransaction({});
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const saleId = 27;
const originDate = today;
const newDate = tomorrow;
const ticketID = 14;
newDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
originDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
const args = {
id: ticketID,
clientFk: 1104,
agencyModeFk: 2,
addressFk: 4,
zoneFk: 9,
warehouseFk: 1,
companyFk: 442,
shipped: newDate,
landed: tomorrow,
isDeleted: false,
option: 'renewPrices',
isWithoutNegatives: false,
keepPrice: true
ctx.args = args;
const beforeSale = await models.Sale.findById(saleId, null, options);
await models.Ticket.componentUpdate(ctx, options);
const afterSale = await models.Sale.findById(saleId, null, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
throw e;
it('should change shipped and not keep price', async() => {
const tx = await models.Ticket.beginTransaction({});
try {
const options = {transaction: tx};
const saleId = 27;
const originDate = today;
const newDate = tomorrow;
const ticketID = 14;
newDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
originDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
const args = {
id: ticketID,
clientFk: 1104,
agencyModeFk: 2,
addressFk: 4,
zoneFk: 9,
warehouseFk: 1,
companyFk: 442,
shipped: newDate,
landed: tomorrow,
isDeleted: false,
option: 'renewPrices',
isWithoutNegatives: false,
keepPrice: false
ctx.args = args;
const beforeSale = await models.Sale.findById(saleId, null, options);
await models.Ticket.componentUpdate(ctx, options);
const afterSale = await models.Sale.findById(saleId, null, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
throw e;