
164 lines
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const UserError = require('vn-loopback/util/user-error');
const ParameterizedSQL = require('loopback-connector').ParameterizedSQL;
module.exports = Self => {
Self.remoteMethodCtx('absences', {
description: 'Returns an array of absences from an specified worker',
accepts: [{
arg: 'workerFk',
type: 'Number',
required: true,
arg: 'started',
type: 'Date',
required: true,
arg: 'ended',
type: 'Date',
required: true,
returns: [{
arg: 'calendar'
arg: 'absences',
type: 'Number'
arg: 'holidays',
type: 'Number'
http: {
path: `/absences`,
verb: 'GET'
Self.absences = async(ctx, workerFk, started, ended) => {
const models =;
const conn = Self.dataSource.connector;
const myUserId = ctx.req.accessToken.userId;
const myWorker = await models.Worker.findOne({where: {userFk: myUserId}});
const calendar = {totalHolidays: 0, holidaysEnjoyed: 0};
const holidays = [];
const stmts = [];
// Get subordinates
stmts.push(new ParameterizedSQL('CALL vn.subordinateGetList(?)', []));
let subordinatesIndex = stmts.push('SELECT * FROM tmp.subordinate') - 1;
let sql = ParameterizedSQL.join(stmts, ';');
let result = await conn.executeStmt(sql);
const subordinates = result[subordinatesIndex];
const isSubordinate = subordinates.find(subordinate => {
return subordinate.workerFk === workerFk;
const isHr = await models.Account.hasRole(myUserId, 'hr');
if (!isHr && workerFk !== && !isSubordinate)
throw new UserError(`You don't have enough privileges`);
// Get absences of year
let absences = await Self.find({
include: {
relation: 'absenceType'
where: {
workerFk: workerFk,
dated: {between: [started, ended]}
absences.forEach(absence => {
if (absence.absenceType().id === 1)
absence.dated = new Date(absence.dated);
absence.dated.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Get active contracts on current year
const year = started.getFullYear();
const contracts = await models.WorkerLabour.find({
include: [{
relation: 'holidays',
scope: {
where: {year}
relation: 'workCenter',
scope: {
include: {
relation: 'holidays',
scope: {
include: [{
relation: 'detail'
relation: 'type'
where: {
dated: {between: [started, ended]}
where: {
and: [
{workerFk: workerFk},
{or: [{
ended: {gte: [started]}
}, {ended: null}]}
// Get number of total holidays
contracts.forEach(contract => {
let totalHolidays = contract.holidays().days;
if (contract.started && contract.ended)
totalHolidays = getHolidaysByContract(started, contract);
calendar.totalHolidays += totalHolidays;
let holidayList = contract.workCenter().holidays();
for (let day of holidayList) {
day.dated = new Date(day.dated);
day.dated.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return [calendar, absences, holidays];
function getHolidaysByContract(started, contract) {
const dayTimestamp = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const endedTime = contract.ended.getTime();
const startedTime = started.getTime();
const contractDays = Math.floor((endedTime - startedTime) / dayTimestamp);
if (contractDays < 365) {
let holidays = contract.holidays().days * (contractDays + 1) / 365;
let integerPart = parseInt(holidays);
let decimalPart = holidays - integerPart;
let decimal = decimalPart >= 0.5 ? 0.5 : 0;
holidays = integerPart + decimal;
return holidays;
return contract.holidays().days;