284 lines
12 KiB
284 lines
12 KiB
import selectors from '../../helpers/selectors.js';
import createNightmare from '../../helpers/helpers';
describe('mandate path', () => {
const nightmare = createNightmare();
describe('as salesPerson', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
return nightmare
it('should click on the Clients button of the top bar menu', () => {
return nightmare
.then(url => {
it('should search for the user Petter Parker', () => {
return nightmare
.type(selectors.clientsIndex.searchClientInput, 'Petter Parker')
.waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 1)
.then(result => {
it(`should click on the search result to access to the client's fiscal data`, () => {
return nightmare
.waitForTextInElement(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 'Petter Parker')
.then(url => {
it(`should click on the fiscal data button to start editing`, () => {
return nightmare
.then(url => {
it('should confirm verified data button is disabled for salesPerson', () => {
return nightmare
.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(selector).className;
}, 'body > vn-app > vn-vertical > vn-vertical > vn-client-card > vn-main-block > vn-horizontal > vn-one > vn-vertical > vn-client-fiscal-data > form > vn-card > div > vn-horizontal:nth-child(5) > vn-check:nth-child(3) > label')
.then(result => {
it('should edit the social name', () => {
return nightmare
.type(selectors.clientFiscalData.socialNameInput, 'salesPerson was here')
.then(result => {
expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');
it('should confirm the social name have been edited', () => {
return nightmare
.then(result => {
expect(result).toEqual('salesPerson was here');
describe('as administrative', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
return nightmare
it('should navigate to clients index', () => {
return nightmare
.then(url => {
it('should search again for the user Petter Parker', () => {
return nightmare
.type(selectors.clientsIndex.searchClientInput, 'Petter Parker')
.waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 1)
.then(result => {
it(`should click on the search result to access to the Petter Parkers fiscal data`, () => {
return nightmare
.waitForTextInElement(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 'Petter Parker')
.then(url => {
it(`should click on the fiscal data button`, () => {
return nightmare
.then(url => {
it('should confirm verified data button is enabled for administrative', () => {
return nightmare
.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(selector).className;
}, 'body > vn-app > vn-vertical > vn-vertical > vn-client-card > vn-main-block > vn-horizontal > vn-one > vn-vertical > vn-client-fiscal-data > form > vn-card > div > vn-horizontal:nth-child(5) > vn-check:nth-child(3) > label')
.then(result => {
it('should check the Verified data checkbox', () => {
return nightmare
.then(result => {
expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');
it('should confirm Verified data checkbox is checked', () => {
return nightmare
.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(selector).checked;
}, selectors.clientFiscalData.verifiedDataCheckboxInput)
.then(value => {
it('should again edit the social name', () => {
return nightmare
.type(selectors.clientFiscalData.socialNameInput, 'administrative was here')
.then(result => {
expect(result).toEqual('Data saved!');
it('should confirm the social name have been edited once and for all', () => {
return nightmare
.then(result => {
expect(result).toEqual('administrative was here');
describe('as salesPerson second run', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
return nightmare
it('should again click on the Clients button of the top bar menu', () => {
return nightmare
.then(url => {
it('should again search for the user Petter Parker', () => {
return nightmare
.type(selectors.clientsIndex.searchClientInput, 'Petter Parker')
.waitForNumberOfElements(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 1)
.then(result => {
it(`should click on the search result to access to the client's fiscal data`, () => {
return nightmare
.waitForTextInElement(selectors.clientsIndex.searchResult, 'Petter Parker')
.then(url => {
it(`should click on the fiscal data button to start editing`, () => {
return nightmare
.then(url => {
it('should confirm verified data button is disabled once again for salesPerson', () => {
return nightmare
.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(selector).className;
}, 'body > vn-app > vn-vertical > vn-vertical > vn-client-card > vn-main-block > vn-horizontal > vn-one > vn-vertical > vn-client-fiscal-data > form > vn-card > div > vn-horizontal:nth-child(5) > vn-check:nth-child(3) > label')
.then(result => {
it('should confirm the form have been disabled for salesPerson', () => {
return nightmare
.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(selector).className;
}, 'vn-textfield[field="$ctrl.client.socialName"] > div')
.then(result => {