115 lines
3.5 KiB
115 lines
3.5 KiB
const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs');
const mockBase64Binary = 'base64BinaryString';
const ticket1 = {
'id': '44',
'clientFk': 1101,
'shipped': Date.vnNew(),
'nickname': 'MRW',
'addressFk': 1,
'agencyModeFk': 999
const expedition1 = {
'id': 17,
'agencyModeFk': 999,
'ticketFk': 44,
'freightItemFk': 71,
'created': '2001-01-01',
'counter': 1,
'workerFk': 18,
'packagingFk': '94',
'hostFk': '',
'stateTypeFk': 3,
'hasNewRoute': 0,
'isBox': 71,
'editorFk': 100
const returnsValues = [
{data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/mockGetLabel.xml', 'utf-8')},
{data: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/mockCreateShipment.xml', 'utf-8')}
let options;
fdescribe('MRWConfig createShipment()', () => {
beforeAll(async() => {
options = {transaction: await models.MrwConfig.beginTransaction({})};
await models.Agency.create(
{'id': 999, 'name': 'mrw'},
await models.AgencyMode.create(
{'id': 999, 'name': 'mrw', 'agencyFk': 999, 'code': 'mrw'},
await models.MrwConfig.create(
'url': 'https://url.com',
'user': 'user',
'password': 'password',
'franchiseCode': 'franchiseCode',
'subscriberCode': 'subscriberCode'
}, options
await models.Application.rawSql(
`INSERT INTO vn.mrwService
SET agencyModeCodeFk = 'mrw',
clientType = 1,
serviceType = 1,
kg = 1`, null, options
await models.Ticket.create(ticket1, options);
await models.Expedition.create(expedition1, options);
it('should create a shipment and return a base64Binary label', async() => {
spyOn(axios, 'post').and.callFake(() =>
await models.Ticket.updateAll({id: ticket1.id}, {shipped: Date.vnNew()}, options);
const base64Binary = await models.MrwConfig.createShipment(expedition1.id, options);
it('should fail if mrwConfig has no data', async() => {
let error;
await models.MrwConfig.createShipment(expedition1.id).catch(e => {
error = e;
}).finally(async() => {
expect(error.message).toEqual(`Some mrwConfig parameters are not set`);
it('should fail if expeditionFk is not a MrwExpedition', async() => {
let error;
await models.MrwConfig.createShipment(undefined, options).catch(e => {
error = e;
}).finally(async() => {
expect(error.message).toEqual(`This expedition is not a MRW shipment`);
it(' should fail if the creation date of this ticket is before the current date it', async() => {
let error;
const yesterday = Date.vnNew();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
await models.Ticket.updateAll({id: ticket1.id}, {shipped: yesterday}, options);
await models.MrwConfig.createShipment(expedition1.id, options).catch(e => {
error = e;
}).finally(async() => {
expect(error.message).toEqual(`This ticket has a shipped date earlier than today`);