
578 lines
21 KiB

function checkVisibility(selector) {
let selectorMatches = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
let element = selectorMatches[0];
if (selectorMatches.length > 1)
throw new Error(`Multiple matches of ${selector} found`);
let isVisible = false;
if (element) {
let eventHandler = event => {
isVisible = true;
element.addEventListener('mouseover', eventHandler);
let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
let x = rect.left + rect.width / 2;
let y = + rect.height / 2;
let elementInCenter = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
let elementInTopLeft = document.elementFromPoint(rect.left,;
let elementInBottomRight = document.elementFromPoint(rect.right, rect.bottom);
let e = new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
if (elementInCenter)
if (elementInTopLeft)
if (elementInBottomRight)
element.removeEventListener('mouseover', eventHandler);
return isVisible;
let actions = {
clickIfExists: async function(selector) {
let exists;
try {
exists = await this.waitForSelector(selector, {timeout: 500});
} catch (error) {
exists = false;
if (exists) await this.waitToClick(selector);
return exists;
expectURL: async function(expectedHash) {
try {
await this.waitForFunction(expectedHash => {
return document.location.hash.includes(expectedHash);
}, {}, expectedHash);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to reach URL containing: ${expectedHash}`);
await this.waitForSpinnerLoad();
return true;
doLogin: async function(userName, password = 'nightmare') {
await this.waitForSelector(`vn-login vn-textfield[ng-model="$ctrl.user"]`, {visible: true});
await this.clearInput(`vn-login vn-textfield[ng-model="$ctrl.user"]`);
await this.write(`vn-login vn-textfield[ng-model="$ctrl.user"]`, userName);
await this.clearInput(`vn-login vn-textfield[ng-model="$ctrl.password"]`);
await this.write(`vn-login vn-textfield[ng-model="$ctrl.password"]`, password);
await this.waitToClick('vn-login button[type=submit]');
login: async function(userName) {
let state = await this.getState();
if (state != 'login') {
try {
await this.gotoState('login');
} catch (err) {
let dialog = await this.evaluate(
() => document.querySelector('button[response="accept"]'));
if (dialog)
await this.waitToClick('button[response="accept"]');
throw err;
await this.waitForState('login');
await this.doLogin(userName);
await this.waitForState('home');
selectModule: async function(moduleName) {
let state = `${moduleName}.index`;
await this.waitToClick(`vn-home a[ui-sref="${state}"]`);
await this.waitForState(state);
loginAndModule: async function(userName, moduleName) {
await this.login(userName);
await this.selectModule(moduleName);
getState: async function() {
return await this.evaluate(() => {
let $state = angular.element(document.body).injector().get('$state');
return $;
gotoState: async function(state, params) {
return await this.evaluate((state, params) => {
let $state = angular.element(document.body).injector().get('$state');
return $state.go(state, params);
}, state, params);
waitForState: async function(state) {
await this.waitFor(state => {
let $state = angular.element(document.body).injector().get('$state');
return !$state.transition && $;
}, {}, state);
await this.waitForSpinnerLoad(state);
waitForTransition: async function() {
await this.waitFor(() => {
const $state = angular.element(document.body).injector().get('$state');
return !$state.transition;
accessToSection: async function(state) {
await this.waitForSelector('vn-left-menu');
let nested = await this.evaluate(state => {
return document.querySelector(`vn-left-menu li li > a[ui-sref="${state}"]`) != null;
}, state);
if (nested) {
await this.waitToClick('vn-left-menu vn-item-section > vn-icon[icon=keyboard_arrow_down]');
await this.wait('vn-left-menu .expanded');
await this.evaluate(state => {
let navButton = document.querySelector(`vn-left-menu li > a[ui-sref="${state}"]`);
}, state);
await this.waitForState(state);
reloadSection: async function(state) {
await this.accessToSection(state);
forceReloadSection: async function(sectionRoute) {
await this.waitToClick('vn-icon[icon="desktop_windows"]');
await this.waitToClick('button[response="accept"]');
await this.wait('vn-card.summary');
await this.waitToClick(`vn-left-menu li > a[ui-sref="${sectionRoute}"]`);
accessToSearchResult: async function(searchValue) {
await this.clearInput('vn-searchbar');
await this.write('vn-searchbar', searchValue);
await this.waitToClick('vn-searchbar vn-icon[icon="search"]');
await this.waitForTransition();
await this.waitFor('.vn-descriptor');
getProperty: async function(selector, property) {
return await this.evaluate((selector, property) => {
return document.querySelector(selector)[property].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
}, selector, property);
waitPropertyLength: async function(selector, property, minLength) {
await this.waitForFunction((selector, property, minLength) => {
const element = document.querySelector(selector);
return element && element[property] != null && element[property] !== '' && element[property].length >= minLength;
}, {}, selector, property, minLength);
return await this.getProperty(selector, property);
expectPropertyValue: async function(selector, property, value) {
let builtSelector = selector;
if (property != 'innerText')
builtSelector = await this.selectorFormater(selector);
try {
return await this.waitForFunction((selector, property, value) => {
const element = document.querySelector(selector);
return element[property] == value;
}, {}, builtSelector, property, value);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`${value} wasn't the value of ${builtSelector}, ${error}`);
waitToGetProperty: async function(selector, property) {
let builtSelector = selector;
if (selector.includes('vn-input-file') || property != 'innerText')
builtSelector = await this.selectorFormater(selector);
try {
await this.waitForFunction((selector, property) => {
const element = document.querySelector(selector);
return element && element[property] != null && element[property] !== '';
}, {}, builtSelector, property);
return await this.getProperty(builtSelector, property);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`couldn't get property: ${property} of ${builtSelector}, ${error}`);
write: async function(selector, text) {
let builtSelector = await this.selectorFormater(selector);
await this.waitForSelector(selector, {});
await this.type(builtSelector, text);
await this.waitForTextInField(selector, text);
overwrite: async function(selector, text) {
await this.clearInput(selector);
await this.write(selector, text);
waitToClick: async function(selector) {
await this.waitForSelector(selector);
await this.waitForFunction(checkVisibility, {}, selector);
return await;
writeOnEditableTD: async function(selector, text) {
let builtSelector = await this.selectorFormater(selector);
await this.waitToClick(selector);
await this.type(builtSelector, text);
focusElement: async function(selector) {
await this.wait(selector);
return await this.evaluate(selector => {
let element = document.querySelector(selector);
}, selector);
isVisible: async function(selector) {
await this.waitForSelector(selector);
return await this.evaluate(checkVisibility, selector);
waitImgLoad: async function(selector) {
await this.wait(selector);
return await this.wait(selector => {
const imageReady = document.querySelector(selector).complete;
return imageReady;
}, {}, selector);
countElement: async function(selector) {
return await this.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelectorAll(selector).length;
}, selector);
waitForNumberOfElements: async function(selector, count) {
return await this.waitForFunction((selector, count) => {
return document.querySelectorAll(selector).length == count;
}, {}, selector, count);
waitForClassNotPresent: async function(selector, className) {
await this.wait(selector);
return await this.wait((selector, className) => {
if (!document.querySelector(selector).classList.contains(className))
return true;
}, {}, selector, className);
waitForClassPresent: async function(selector, className) {
await this.wait(selector);
return await this.wait((elementSelector, targetClass) => {
if (document.querySelector(elementSelector).classList.contains(targetClass))
return true;
}, {}, selector, className);
waitForTextInElement: async function(selector, text) {
await this.waitForSelector(selector);
return await this.waitForFunction((selector, text) => {
return document.querySelector(selector).innerText.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase());
}, {}, selector, text);
selectorFormater: function(selector) {
if (selector.includes('vn-textarea'))
return `${selector} textarea`;
if (selector.includes('vn-input-file'))
return `${selector} section`;
return `${selector} input`;
waitForTextInField: async function(selector, text) {
let builtSelector = await this.selectorFormater(selector);
await this.waitForSelector(builtSelector);
return await this.waitForFunction((selector, text) => {
return document.querySelector(selector).value.toLowerCase().includes(text.toLowerCase());
}, {}, builtSelector, text);
waitForInnerText: async function(selector) {
await this.waitForSelector(selector, {});
await this.waitForFunction(selector => {
const innerText = document.querySelector(selector).innerText;
return innerText != null && innerText != '';
}, {}, selector);
return await this.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(selector).innerText;
}, selector);
waitForEmptyInnerText: async function(selector) {
return await this.wait(selector => {
return document.querySelector(selector).innerText == '';
}, selector);
hideSnackbar: async function() {
// Holds up for the snackbar to be visible for a small period of time.
if (process.env.DEBUG)
await this.waitFor(300);
await this.evaluate(() => {
let hideButton = document.querySelector('#shapes .shown button');
if (hideButton)
return document.querySelector('#shapes .shown button').click();
await this.waitFor('#shapes > .shape', {hidden: true});
waitForLastSnackbar: async function() {
const selector = 'vn-snackbar .shown .text';
await this.waitForSelector(selector);
let snackBarText = await this.evaluate(selector => {
const shape = document.querySelector(selector);
return shape.innerText;
}, selector);
await this.hideSnackbar();
return snackBarText;
pickDate: async function(selector, date) {
date = date || new Date();
const tzoffset = date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
const localIso = (new Date(date.getTime() - tzoffset))
await this.wait(selector);
await this.evaluate((selector, localIso) => {
let input = document.querySelector(selector).$ctrl.input;
input.value = localIso.substr(0, 10);
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
}, selector, localIso);
pickTime: async function(selector, time) {
await this.wait(selector);
await this.evaluate((selector, time) => {
let input = document.querySelector(selector).$ctrl.input;
input.value = time;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
}, selector, time);
clearTextarea: async function(selector) {
await this.waitForSelector(selector, {visible: true});
await this.evaluate(inputSelector => {
return document.querySelector(`${inputSelector} textarea`).value = '';
}, selector);
clearInput: async function(selector) {
await this.waitForSelector(selector);
let field = await this.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(`${selector} input`).closest('.vn-field').$ctrl.field;
}, selector);
if ((field != null && field != '') || field == '0') {
let coords = await this.evaluate(selector => {
let rect = document.querySelector(selector).getBoundingClientRect();
return {x: rect.x + (rect.width / 2), y: rect.y + (rect.height / 2), width: rect.width};
}, selector);
await this.mouse.move(coords.x, coords.y);
await this.waitForSelector(`${selector} [icon="clear"]`, {visible: true});
await this.waitToClick(`${selector} [icon="clear"]`);
await this.evaluate(selector => {
return document.querySelector(`${selector} input`).closest('.vn-field').$ctrl.field == '';
}, selector);
autocompleteSearch: async function(selector, searchValue) {
let builtSelector = await this.selectorFormater(selector);
await this.waitToClick(selector);
await this.write('.vn-drop-down.shown vn-textfield', searchValue);
try {
await this.waitForFunction((selector, searchValue) => {
let element = document
.querySelector(`${selector} vn-drop-down`).$ctrl.content
if (element)
return element.innerText.toLowerCase().includes(searchValue.toLowerCase());
}, {}, selector, searchValue);
} catch (error) {
let inputValue = await this.evaluate(() => {
return document.querySelector('.vn-drop-down.shown vn-textfield input').value;
throw new Error(`${builtSelector} value is ${inputValue}! ${error}`);
await this.waitForFunction((selector, searchValue) => {
return document.querySelector(selector).value.toLowerCase()
}, {}, builtSelector, searchValue);
await this.waitForMutation('.vn-drop-down', 'childList');
await this.waitFor('.vn-drop-down', {hidden: true});
checkboxState: async function(selector) {
await this.wait(selector);
return await this.evaluate(selector => {
let checkbox = document.querySelector(selector);
switch (checkbox.$ctrl.field) {
case null:
return 'intermediate';
case true:
return 'checked';
return 'unchecked';
}, selector);
isDisabled: async function(selector) {
await this.waitForSelector(selector);
return await this.evaluate(selector => {
let element = document.querySelector(selector);
return element.$ctrl.disabled;
}, selector);
waitForStylePresent: async function(selector, property, value) {
return await this.wait((selector, property, value) => {
const element = document.querySelector(selector);
return[property] == value;
}, {}, selector, property, value);
waitForSpinnerLoad: async function() {
await this.waitFor('vn-topbar vn-spinner', {hidden: true});
waitForWatcherData: async function(selector) {
await this.wait(selector);
await this.wait(selector => {
let watcher = document.querySelector(selector);
let orgData = watcher.$ctrl.orgData;
return !angular.equals({}, orgData) && orgData != null;
}, {}, selector);
await this.waitForSpinnerLoad();
waitForMutation: async function(selector, type) {
try {
await this.evaluate((selector, type) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const config = {attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true};
const target = document.querySelector(selector);
const onEnd = function(mutationsList, observer) {
const observer = new MutationObserver(onEnd);
observer.expectedType = type;
observer.observe(target, config);
}, selector, type);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`failed to wait for mutation type: ${type}`);
waitForTransitionEnd: async function(selector) {
await this.evaluate(selector => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const transition = document.querySelector(selector);
const onEnd = function() {
transition.removeEventListener('transitionend', onEnd);
transition.addEventListener('transitionend', onEnd);
}, selector);
closePopup: async function(selector) {
await Promise.all(['Escape'),
this.waitFor('.vn-popup', {hidden: true}),
respondToDialog: async function(response) {
await this.waitForSelector('.vn-dialog.shown');
const firstCount = await this.evaluate(text => {
const dialogs = document.querySelectorAll('.vn-dialog');
const dialogOnTop = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1];
const button = dialogOnTop.querySelector(`div.buttons [response="${text}"]`);;
return dialogs.length;
}, response);
await this.waitForFunction(firstCount => {
const dialogs = document.querySelectorAll('.vn-dialog');
return dialogs.length < firstCount;
}, {}, firstCount);
waitForContentLoaded: async function() {
// await this.waitFor(250);
export function extendPage(page) {
for (let name in actions) {
page[name] = async(...args) => {
try {
return await actions[name].apply(page, args);
} catch (err) {
let stringArgs = args
.map(i => typeof i == 'function' ? 'Function' : i)
.join(', ');
throw new Error(`.${name}(${stringArgs}): ${err.message}`);
page.wait = page.waitFor;
return page;
export default actions;